Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Effects of Poverty on the Human Mind and Rationality

Poverty is and always has been a serious issue in all of the human societies dating back to birth of our species. Wealth inequality is a given, it will always exist so long as any substantial amount of people in a society are selfish or delusional to the issue of poverty. Because of this, we have accept the reality of poverty as something we cannot erase, as if it is some type of unstoppable superpower that will persist to destroy us until it fully eradicates our species. We have given up on trying to end poverty, because of how impossible it seems to stop or even prevent often times, and it is because of this malfunction in all societies that our greatness and potential will always be limited by this leech like factor of poverty that sucks the positive energy out of many of our personal and societal atmospheres. But how exactly does poverty cause so much strife, anger and confusion in our societies, how does it affect how we think and who we are? Well there are many effects of poverty on the human the mind, but they can all be fitted into a two specific categories; Barbaric Reasoning: (Hopelessness,Depression,Anxiety,Fear,Anger, Loss of self) or the other route of Communal Reasoning(Patience,Morality,Love,Humility, increased Spirituality, Insight to self). True poverty reveals alot about a person’s nature and baseline, for you never really know who someone is until they are faced with an extreme situation such as war,pregnancy,divorce,loss, and ofcourse poverty, which I will use to better explain the two rationalities.
A person in poverty who uses Barbaric Reasoning will not be concerned with the ends, he or she will only care about what is right in front of him, the pressing situation that exists in the given moment he is in. The Barbaric Reasoner will stop at nothing to achieve his goal in the moment which will always be one of two things: Survival and Pleasure, because of the second reason he not using the same line of reasoning of animal, although they are both using similar logic, but because of his or hers humanity, the Barbaric Reasoner still desires more than just his or hers own survival, but also the enjoyment of that survival, that is the only distinction between the Barbaric Reasoner and an animal. The Barbaric Reasoner will attack without hesitation anyone and anything who prevents him or her from achieving either the survival or the pleasure of that said Barbaric Reasoner. The Barbaric Reasoner loses nearly all of his or hers ability to feel and express empathy, morality, kindness, love, Self Actualization, Awareness, Contentment, and all other positive emotions, States of Being, and Strands of a Stronger Self. The Barbaric Reasoner develops a sub-human mindset and rationality that destroys the personality and humanity of the person using this line of reasoning.
He or She will often be angry, paranoid, confused, volatile, and lost in the realm of complex thoughts, ideas, and Spirituality. He or She will often feel a sense of Hopelessness and/or Depression because of the mental cage his or hers line of reasoning has evoked. The Barbaric Reasoner will not care about himself so long as he survives and experiences pleasure while doing so. The Barbaric Reasoner is not concerned with anyone type of societal or religious laws he or she once respected and abided by. The Barbaric Reasoner is often a criminal, a liar, con artist, a prostitute , a drug dealer, a drug addict, or outlaw, these are all the common professions of a Barbaric Reasoner. The Barbaric Reasoner cannot be trusted, for he or she has no moral standing and feels no obligation to keep his or her word. He does not care about anyone but himself, he or she does not want any ties, commitments or relationships, do not be fooled by the Barbaric Reasoner when he or she attempts to court you, and verbally expresses love for you, because the Barbaric Reasoner is only concerned with sex, for it gives him or her pleasure, he or she does not care about you, and does not desire your love and affection unless it is expressed physically. The Barbaric Reasoner is often anxious and stressed due to his or hers lack of self, and confusion. The Barbaric Reasoner has lost his or her identity and no longer has the cognitive functioning and mindset of a rational human being.
A person in poverty using Communal Reasoning will be more concerned with the ends aswell his or hers community. The Communal Reasoner places his or herself behind his or hers Family, Community and loved ones. He or She strives to abide by the laws of the society and of his or hers religion even when it is hard and painful to do so. The Communal Reasoner is willing to share even when there is very little, and does expect anything is return. He or she has the will power to do right and be right, and continues on the path or self actualization and increased spirituality if religious. He or she openly expresses empathy and sympathy with and for those in his or her community, and attempts to help those in need to overcome the obstacles they are faced with, even when he or she has his or her own obstacles to worry about. The Communal Reasoner feels and expresses love to those in his or hers family and community, and does not leave anyone behind, or unable to survive unless it is his or hers only option
. The Communal Reasoner has strong sense of right and wrong, and good moral standing, he or she is not confused, selfish, or angry. The Communal Reasoner has humility, and is not blinded by his or her own arrogance,delusions, or lack of sustenance, he or she sees beyond the issues of present, to his or her ultimate goal, and progression of his or hers own community. The Communal Reasoner is patient, even when food, water, or clothing is scarce he or she obtains the said necessities through moral and ethical means. the Communal Reasoner is willing to protect his or her community at all costs including his or her own life. He or she uses the logic of emotional and empathetic human being, and has respect for others, and shows kindness to others. The Communal Reasoner can be trusted, he or she is strong and not afraid if anything other than becoming a Barbaric Reasoner, or the fear of his or her Lord. The Communal Reasoner gains more self identity, and moral status.
These are the two types of Reasoners when faced with times of hardship such as poverty, and each and every one us as human beings has the potential to be either one. It is the choice of the individual as to what type of Reasoner he or she will become, for we all have both positive and negative traits in our True Nature or Baseline personality, whether we choose to embrace our negative traits over our positive traits in hard times will cause us to devolve into a Barbaric Reasoner, and if we choose to go in the direction of our positive traits and repressive our negative ones we will metamorphoses into a Communal Reasoner. It is not complex, its simple, no matter how hard times become, you will always have the choice to be either of the two types of Reasoners, it is never forced upon us, we decide at some point who we are and who we will become, it is no ones choice but yours, and nothing can make you one type or another other than your own logic, will, beliefs, and morality. And remember that at any given time, a Barbaric Reasoner can become a Communal Reasoner and a Communal Reasoner can become a Barbaric one.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How to Achieve your Stronger Self

There are three steps in achieving your stronger self, The first is to find meaning and commit to your belief, the second is to understand yourself, truly entering the tranquil world of self actualization, and the third is to truly see and understand the importance of the seven strands of a higher self: love, respect, kindness, knowledge, awareness,contentment and your ultimate goal. In order to achieve your stronger self, one must first analyze his or her own life in the realm of deep thought, logic and clarity. To achieve one's higher self one must also understand his or her's reason for living, for without a reason to live, you are lost, and you are the victim of your own ignorance. Ignorance is one of the greatest enemies of a man or woman on the path to achieving one's higher self, for in your ignorance you will go astray, and lose track of your reason and purpose, and lose track of who you are, and in your ignorance you will also be deluded and delusional in all regards to the seven strands of a higher self consisting of love, respect kindness, knowledge, awareness, contentment the ultimate goal. Ignorance is a disease, that breeds intolerance, confusion, anger, hedonism, and lack of connectivity between your soul and the souls of all humanity, the universe, nature, the animal kingdom, the elements, and even ones inner self. In order to break free of the shackles of ignorance, one must strive to seek knowledge, and to understand the knowledge that is discovered. One must practice patience, for without patience you are bound to take shortcuts to realms of sacred knowledge, and openness you were not prepared for. You must first have a foundation, for every great structure has a foundation, the pyramids, the city of Paris, or the advanced modern medicine of first world societies, and what greater a structure on earth, than that of human being, mind, body and soul. Both the pyramids and Paris were planned, they were goals, the end product, which took years and years of hard work, commitment, deep thought, and passion. Your belief should be this way, you should work hard to maintain your belief, commit to it, and indulge yourself into deep thought in the realm of enlightenment. One should be knowledgeable about his or her belief, and to have understanding of that knowledge. True logic is the logic of your heart, even when others disrespect your believe or try make you ashamed of your believe, or when others try to make your believe seem foolish, you must not be effected by the intolerant ones, or the ignorant ones, and the disrespectful ones, for they are to be left behind, and trapped in the cage of their lack understanding and limited potential. Rise above those who attempt to bring you down to their world of confusion, anger and depression. Do not be mesmerized or fooled by material gain and desires of the instant. See past the illusion of world you can only see with your eyes, and welcome the idea that there is something far greater, and there is far more, than what you can perceive. Be one with your believe, and have no doubts of your believe, if you doubt your believe, find out why, and seek answers within your belief, and if you simply do not believe, than don't be a liar, and find what you believe to be the truth, only you can make that decision for yourself, and there is nothing anyone can do but guide you to what they believe, they cannot force you to believe, that is with you.The second step is to achieve self actualization, this is a state in which you know and understand your self, your perception of reality, and your purpose. To achieve the second step in the path to achieving one's higher self, you must discover who you are. Follow your heart, and your dreams, question why you do the things you do, and why you do not do the things you don't. Ask yourself what you want, what you don't want, what makes you unique, how you want to be seen, and how perceive yourself in relation to how others perceive you. Find out how you want to live your life, and what your life means to you, what and who is important to you, and why are those things, aspects or people in your life as important, or unimportant to you as they are. Find out what makes you happy, where your boundaries are, and why they are there. Overcome all emotional or memorial obstacles that trouble you, limit you, or prevent you from achieving your higher self. Fix the relationships that you regret to have destroyed, and destroy the relationships you regret to have fixed. Do not let the negative words of others effect you, but also do not let your patience repress your vigor, stand up for yourself and fight for your beliefs and loved ones. See past the facades and lies in your life, find the truth, and the truth of yourself, know yourself, understand yourself, and accept yourself for who are, but strive to make yourself better, and more complete.The third and final step to achieving your Stronger Self is know and understand the importance and love, to love, and accept love, be in love, and commit to those you love. respect those you love, be there for those you love and who love you, and show compassion and be thoughtful and kind to those you love and who love you. Respect yourself, respect your believe, and respect the believes of others, respect others as human beings, and respect the ones you love, and the ones to whom you owe respect. respect knowledge, respect the animals, nature, and good ideas. Be kind to others, be kind to animals and earth, be kind to strangers, and to those you love. Be knowledgeable about your self, your believe, those around you, your world, your field of study and expertize and what you want to know. Be Aware, see further, think deeper, and understand more, open your eyes to more, and broaden your perception. Be content with what you have, and what you are given, strive to achieve what you want and work for the things you believe you deserve, but don't lose sight of all the things you do have. Most importantly have an ultimate goal, and follow the path that leads there, overcoming all obstacles in the way to whatever it may be. Following these steps you will achieve your Stronger Self.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Do we have Free Will?

Free will, that amazing ability that is a large part of what makes us as human beings different from everything else, we have the power to choose. But what does that actually mean, 'the power to choose', surely that power isn't infinite, so then would it not simply be a fallacy that we, in our ignorance perceive to be reality? It is impossible for a human being to posses absolute and infinite free will, there are many things we simply cannot prevent, many things in which we have no say, no choice, and no freedom; For example, death is unavoidable, aswell as aging, our physical sexual characteristics that determine our gender at birth, who our parents are, our 'race', our height or foundational intelligence, and where we are born or who fall in love with. None of these events or realities showcase the human ability to choose, there is no free will in certain areas. The only possessor of true and absolute free will is our creator. Regardless of whether or not you believe in the creator, your selection of choice is just as narrow, whether you worship the sun, the wind or moon, or believe in science alone, you are forced to come to terms with the fact that you cannot prevent yourself from death, and, as a wise man wrote "If you are a man, you cannot be horse, because you are a man" its simply the laws of physics and a rational thought. Further more, even in the case of prewritten destiny, we are still presently making choices, they are just known, but still choices none the less, although it does make you examine the concept of free will with these thoughts in mind. So what is it then? this glorious ability to choose, what can we choose, what is our say within the limitations of our humanity? The amount of choices we have are actually 'infinite' in the sense that the amount of things we can say or do within the one dimensional time frame each passing second is so far beyond our ability to act out each possible route available that it simulates an endless fountain of possible choices that build on each other as your selection of choices branch out more and more as you gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding throughout your progression through life, thus forming a 'path' that to us, is being paved with every step, with the option or, choice, to move in another direction as we so please until the time of our death. A path is chosen, or even when a path is not chosen, that is still a path, because you chose not to choose, which is actually still a product of free will, because you had more than choice. This makes the distinction between free will, and a large selection of choices, A large selection of choices selection would simply mean that your selection is extremely broad and you have the capacity to indulge in any of infinite or numerous possibilities, whereas I believe in the case of free will, even if your selection is a low as two possible routes, your ability to make that choice of which path to take is what makes us free. The number of choices would be completely irrelevant to us, if we did not have the ability to choose. The wonderful thing though, is that in a way we have both an 'infinite' amount of choices, and the ability to chose. What I mean when I say we have an 'infinite' amount of choices would be better explained and understood in an example: Imagine there is an ant who, being an ant has a predicted life span of 90 days, this ant was born in Washington DC which has a land area of about 68 square miles This ant move at an average speed of 1 inch every 2 seconds, There are 63,360 inches in a mile, and 86,400 seconds in a day, so by dividing the number of seconds in a day (86,400) by the number of seconds it takes the ant to move 1 inch (2), you would see that the ant can travel up to 43,200 inches in one day, multiplied by the predicted life span of the ant (90 days) 43,200 * 90 = 3,888,000 inches which is no more than about 4.7 miles, so if an ant is born in downtown DC, which is 7.7 miles from the Maryland line in silver spring, than it would be impossible for the ant to ever leave DC, The world is 57,308,738 square miles and DC is only 68, the ant can only explore the totality of 4.7 of those square miles, which is about 7% of the city, and the city is 0.0001% of the land area of the world, that ant will never see outside of DC, but to the ant, DC is a limitless world of amazement. We, much like that ant, although are limited greatly by a large variety of unstoppable obstructions in the realm of our freewill, are still limitless within limits. You are, in that sense, truly free.