First it must be noted that if water falls upon the rock, the rock is now wet, it is no longer in the same state it was in previously. Because the rock has changed its state from dry to wet, the rock has now experienced that change in state. A rock is something, and it can thus experience something, simply by virtue that there are other things. Although the rock did have an experience, if it is not interpreted, felt, or sensed, than what meaning is there in the rock's experience? The answer is simple, there is no meaning in it, there is no thought to be analyzed, nor an emotional response, a rock does not think, feel, or sense. Why then should the rock be judged based on human characteristics and traits? If another being came to a human society and observed us, how we interact and experience, and saw that we lack the capacity for true objectivity, that we have such a narrow and subjective view of everything we perceive and experience that are experiences are meaningless, it would be based on a different level of consciousness. In a sense they are meaningless, as meaning is something we experience as human beings. Because we are subjective creatures, we are unable to produce meaning, due to are ability to produce meaning, just as we are unable to see, as a result of our ability to see. Arbul, tree in Spanish, means nothing to an English speaker until it is interpreted as tree. Both meanings are subjective to a group of people, what I see and what someone else sees are subjective to us both, even if they are assumed to be the same. Morality would then be subjective as well, if I decide democracy is right and every other form of government is wrong than I am subjectively dictating morality. It makes no difference what government or country, or single man decides something, it is subjective to that individual or group.
Who decides what is right, or what has meaning, or what that meaning is, ultimately. In order for anything to have meaning, there must be a power above human beings that dictates morality, meaning, and what is. Our experiences bare no meaning in the absence of a higher power, it would only bare meaning to ourselves, which is entirely subjective. I only use this to provide insight into our perspective on the experiences of a rock. So then what is the rock's experience on earth, and what is our experience on earth, furthermore, how are they connected? There are multiple planes of existence coexisting within the same space, but in different worlds, this is fact. The world of materials, the world of life, the world of motion, and the world of intelligence. Each world is connected to the other by its position on the hierarchy of existence. The rock as part of the material world, exists, whereas a flower exists in the world of life, a degree higher, as it both exists and lives. The world below is a slave to all the world's above it, the dirt and the rock are slaves to the plants, which are slaves to the animals, who are above both the rocks, and the plants, the animal is slave to the human. The human has the highest position on earth, and thus can use the entire earth as its slave, as we do. For those who believe, the human is the slave to the Creator, the highest power, just as all other creations are slaves. There is a certain bond connecting each individual point on the graph of existence, and that bond is none other than the graph its self.
Time is the floor, the ceiling, and the walls, that give us the house of existence, it may push us towards something, or allow us to look back, it is the present moment of existence, and every moment, and the only moment, and therefore is existence itself, however abstractly it is defined. With time comes space, and motion, space, meaning that house of existence, and motion meaning the movement of existence, the ability to age or reflect. In the house, we have a body, which is a point on the graph of existence, that is our place in the house, which is also our place in the hierarchy of existence. With that we are something rather than nothing, and than with the motion of time, we have energy, be we a rock, or a plant, or a human being. That energy is present in everything that exists, the energy that comes from the movement of time. The leaves blowing in the wind are just as the mountain towering over the horizon, or the man sitting under the tree eating an apple. There is a constant movement of energy, and a constant exchange of that energy. Through the hierarchy of existence each point on the graph has a place in it, and thus a role, the energy has to go somewhere, as it is already in motion. So the hierarchy allows the energy passing through each part of existence to pass through it and on to something else and then something else. The fruit falls from the tree, it is eaten by an animal, the animal leaves behind a seed, the seed falls into the dirt, the water comes down from the sky, the earth absorbs the water, and the water reaches the seed, which grows, the sun helps the seed grow with the earth and the water, until it becomes a tree, and the cycle repeats itself.
Everything in existence is born into three things, cycles, balance, and destiny, the seed is part of a cycle, the cycle causes balance, and the ultimate state of the seed, is the seeds destiny, whether it moves through its natural cycle, or if the cycle is disrupted, it is still part of a chain of events, and the motion of time, the motion of life, and has an end. We are much like the seed, our destinies are just more complex, we have a different role as human beings, but nonetheless we are part of that exact same motion of time and existence. Everything that is, passes through the same motion, that same energy, in the same overall existence. We are all connected to everything, the seed is connected to the rock, connected to the number 5, connected to the young girl crying, connected to the young boy who made her cry, and so on. Because everything is connected, and we all experience the motion of time, and thus have an energy in us, and a place in existence, we all have a destiny. What will be the end of the rock? What will be the end of the earth? What will be the end of your or my life? There is an end, a destiny, there is a place, a balance, and there is a motion, a cycle. A beginning, a role, an end, that is the way of the universe, and as part of the universe, or any universe, or any existence, we are all communally one existence, that moves, and changes, we are all connected to everything, just as everything is connected to us all. That connection is the universal bond.
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