Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Universal Bond

There is a universal bond between all beings existing on earth, and all other worlds. This bond is not one of kinship, ethnicity, species, or intelligence. The universal bond of existence is the raw energy source from which all emotions and desires derive from. This pool of raw energy can be seen as a ground layer upon which all other layers are stacked upon, or rather a house for all other energies. Before delving further into what the universal bond actually is, it is important to understand why it is. In order for something to experience something, there are three variables that must be present in order for that to occur. The act of something experiences something is commonly refereed to as life, but it is not simply life as non-living actors have experiences as well, in the case of the none-living on earth, what they lack is a consciousness. A consciousness is the perception of experiences, intelligence is the interpretation, and ability to derive meaning from those experiences, though this is not necessary in order for something to experience something. For instance a rock does not perceive the world through intelligence, emotion, or sensory, so how then does a rock perceive?
First it must be noted that if water falls upon the rock, the rock is now wet, it is no longer in the same state it was in previously. Because the rock has changed its state from dry to wet, the rock has now experienced that change in state. A rock is something, and it can thus experience something, simply by virtue that there are other things. Although the rock did have an experience, if it is not interpreted, felt, or sensed, than what meaning is there in the rock's experience? The answer is simple, there is no meaning in it, there is no thought to be analyzed, nor an emotional response, a rock does not think, feel, or sense. Why then should the rock be judged based on human characteristics and traits? If another being came to a human society and observed us, how we interact and experience, and saw that we lack the capacity for true objectivity, that we have such a narrow and subjective view of everything we perceive and experience that are experiences are meaningless, it would be based on a different level of consciousness. In a sense they are meaningless, as meaning is something we experience as human beings. Because we are subjective creatures, we are unable to produce meaning, due to are ability to produce meaning, just as we are unable to see, as a result of our ability to see. Arbul, tree in Spanish, means nothing to an English speaker until it is interpreted as tree. Both meanings are subjective to a group of people, what I see and what someone else sees are subjective to us both, even if they are assumed to be the same. Morality would then be subjective as well, if I decide democracy is right and every other form of government is wrong than I am subjectively dictating morality. It makes no difference what government or country, or single man decides something, it is subjective to that individual or group.
Who decides what is right, or what has meaning, or what that meaning is, ultimately. In order for anything to have meaning, there must be a power above human beings that dictates morality, meaning, and what is. Our experiences bare no meaning in the absence of a higher power, it would only bare meaning to ourselves, which is entirely subjective. I only use this to provide insight into our perspective on the experiences of a rock. So then what is the rock's experience on earth, and what is our experience on earth, furthermore, how are they connected? There are multiple planes of existence coexisting within the same space, but in different worlds, this is fact. The world of materials, the world of life, the world of motion, and the world of intelligence. Each world is connected to the other by its position on the hierarchy of existence. The rock as part of the material world, exists, whereas a flower exists in the world of life, a degree higher, as it both exists and lives. The world below is a slave to all the world's above it, the dirt and the rock are slaves to the plants, which are slaves to the animals, who are above both the rocks, and the plants, the animal is slave to the human. The human has the highest position on earth, and thus can use the entire earth as its slave, as we do. For those who believe, the human is the slave to the Creator, the highest power, just as all other creations are slaves. There is a certain bond connecting each individual point on the graph of existence, and that bond is none other than the graph its self.
In order to exist, one must have a place in existence, a point on that graph. Existence is much more complex than merely physical worlds and material things, as noted in "Time, numbers, and existence" I explained that there are multiple realities within the same space, and multiple realities within the dimensions constituting that space. For example 5 is within the second dimension, as a number, it also exists within the dimension of thought, and therefore intelligence, thought, is part of the world of intelligence, which is also part of the world of human beings, and therefore exists in all parts of that world. As a result the number five, as a two dimensional particle of existence can than move into the three dimensional world through the world of thought as a bridge into the larger human world, which includes material existence, as humans are also part of that world. Sense human beings are in both the world of thought, intelligence, which is connected to the two dimensional world of numbers, and the world of material existence, numbers also exist in the material world, as a two dimensional particle of existence, within a three dimensional space (5 trees). Sense it is now in the world of material existence it is part of each material world, (material, life, motion, intelligence) as rocks, trees, animals, and human beings can be counted, just as thoughts, words, and numbers can be counted, as numbers. But the question then may be raised, what worlds lead into numbers, and that would be time, or rather linear time, the strait line, the first dimension. Through linear time we have all of these worlds collectively in one place, the world of time, which is the constant forward motion of existence. Time is the ground layer for all existence to occur, regardless of whether it is material or immaterial. Though it is not the linear time that is the forward motion, but rather time is a world and dimension of its one.
Time is the floor, the ceiling, and the walls, that give us the house of existence, it may push us towards something, or allow us to look back, it is the present moment of existence, and every moment, and the only moment, and therefore is existence itself, however abstractly it is defined. With time comes space, and motion, space, meaning that house of existence, and motion meaning the movement of existence, the ability to age or reflect. In the house, we have a body, which is a point on the graph of existence, that is our place in the house, which is also our place in the hierarchy of existence. With that we are something rather than nothing, and than with the motion of time, we have energy, be we a rock, or a plant, or a human being. That energy is present in everything that exists, the energy that comes from the movement of time. The leaves blowing in the wind are just as the mountain towering over the horizon, or the man sitting under the tree eating an apple. There is a constant movement of energy, and a constant exchange of that energy. Through the hierarchy of existence each point on the graph has a place in it, and thus a role, the energy has to go somewhere, as it is already in motion. So the hierarchy allows the energy passing through each part of existence to pass through it and on to something else and then something else. The fruit falls from the tree, it is eaten by an animal, the animal leaves behind a seed, the seed falls into the dirt, the water comes down from the sky, the earth absorbs the water, and the water reaches the seed, which grows, the sun helps the seed grow with the earth and the water, until it becomes a tree, and the cycle repeats itself.
 Everything in existence is born into three things, cycles, balance, and destiny, the seed is part of a cycle, the cycle causes balance, and the ultimate state of the seed, is the seeds destiny, whether it moves through its natural cycle, or if the cycle is disrupted, it is still part of a chain of events, and the motion of time, the motion of life, and has an end. We are much like the seed, our destinies are just more complex, we have a different role as human beings, but nonetheless we are part of that exact same motion of time and existence. Everything that is, passes through the same motion, that same energy, in the same overall existence. We are all connected to everything, the seed is connected to the rock, connected to the number 5, connected to the young girl crying, connected to the young boy who made her cry, and so on. Because everything is connected, and we all experience the motion of time, and thus have an energy in us, and a place in existence, we all have a destiny. What will be the end of the rock? What will be the end of the earth? What will be the end of your or my life? There is an end, a destiny, there is a place, a balance, and there is a motion, a cycle. A beginning, a role, an end, that is the way of the universe, and as part of the universe, or any universe, or any existence, we are all communally one existence, that moves, and changes, we are all connected to everything, just as everything is connected to us all. That connection is the universal bond.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Secrets of Power

What is power? We all know and understand the significance of power, what it means to have power, what power can do, and why it is often desired. But what power actually is, the reality and the truth of power is far from the common dialogue and understanding. For instance, if two young men are arguing over what is better for their people, and one fought in several wars, is well trained and athletic, while the other is smaller framed, and has no real training or experience, the rational conclusion is that the veteran is more powerful than the new rebel. But if the new rebel has gun, and the veteran is unarmed, than the new rebel has the upper hand, and thus has more power. Now before the example is explored any further, it is important to understand the difference between being powerful, and having power; in the first example, the veteran was more powerful, whereas in the second example the new rebel has more power. Note that this does not mean that the new rebel would then be more powerful, as he is not, the veteran is the more powerful in both examples, but in the second situation he has less power. This is because there are essentially two types of power, inner and outer, one comes from the individual or group, and is carried with them so long as it is maintained and manufactured.
This means that the power is born in the individual, grows in the individual, and lives within that individual until it is no longer; this is what it means to be powerful, it literally means to be full of power. Outer power on the other hand, is power obtained through something other than yourself, to look outside of the inner, into the outer world as a source and a means for the power you desire. A gun is a good example of outer power, money is also a good example; anything one can use as a means to gain power, is a source or outer power, as it is maintained and manufactured through the outer rather than the inner.
 Now back to the example, what if the veteran and the new rebel both have a gun, that is where being powerful is important as also having power would also be important, but this situation is a bit vague, seldom do we have a real world event where both sides have equal power, and the lines are typically a bit more blurry as to judging who is actually more powerful than the other after it is all said done, as this is merely analyzing the basic elements and components of power, and ignoring other factors that may change the dynamics of the confrontation. This is do what I call the 12 spheres of power; each ring is different form of power born from the combination of both inner and outer power as well as the realm in which it exists.
The top four spheres of power are the most significant and from them each new stage of power can be formed. Without spiritual power no other form of power would exist, everything in this world has its roots in the spiritual realm, and also has a spiritual component to it; in the case of human beings our potential for spiritual power is stronger than any other form of life. From this spiritual power of the human soul we gain the spheres of emotional, social, and intellectual existence and power. The three spheres of power are split between a logical and emotional energy that is the foundational for our consciousness, this consciousness is the perception of our soul through the window of our eyes, behind that window our two rooms the closest to the window is the emotional sphere, putting it closer to the spiritual (our hearts, belief, love, passion, etc) the second is the intellectual (our minds, perception, thoughts, ideas, memories, etc).
Between the emotional and intellectual rooms, or spheres, is the social sphere, an independent realm of humanity located 'between' the emotional and intellectual spheres, as it is both emotional and intellectual, with the additional element of being non-singular and plural. Each of the top four spheres are plural, humans as one entity exist in each of them as a collective group, we all have souls, hearts, and minds, and so are part of the spiritual, emotional, and mental worlds and spheres, but we also have an individual consciousness, significance, and power in each of these worlds aswell. The social sphere is also individual, ( you, your character, your charisma, your respect for others, your notoriety), but it is non-singular, so these things couldn't exist without other human beings.
To have power in any of the top four is to be powerful, spirituality, courage, genius, fame, these are all extremely significant forms of power all come from within (fame is a social power, but as social beings this can arguably be attributed to the individual's social influence over others which is an inner form of power going outward).

 After the first four come the next four, financial, influential, physical power, and knowledge ("knowledge is power"), this is because none of these things accessible or useful to us without first the acquisition of the soul, heart, mind, and social nature, in addition to of course the physical aspect of being in some cases. Knowledge is truth, and truth comes from the spiritual, knowledge is a very significant form of power, as it is the foundation for progression, understanding, and application. To know martial arts, gives you skill, which gives you power, to know your enemy gives you insight, and so on. Physical power is an interesting sphere, although some people are naturally stronger than others, one can also work to gain physical power, and accumulate physical power. There is also a deep rooted connection between physical power and emotional power, to have courage or bravery is an emotional attribute, which can quickly change your physical capabilities, although so can knowledge, as in the case of chi gong, or, will, there was one incident where a young girl around 8 years old lifted a car to save her fathers life, so physical power can be more than what it commonly perceived.
After that there is influential power, which is definitely a strong form sphere, although it is more of a soft power, which is no surprise given its roots in the social sphere. The power of influence can blow your mind, as with the placebo effect, someone having respect for an individual or group, or simply by what it shown to an individual and what is not shown, this can all have large effect and impact. Especially when paired with the technological power of the media, the influence has a  monumental effect on entire nations of people. The last in this column is financial power, which should not be underestimated, a socially constructed reality that has shaped the way nearly everyone views the world. Money is power, its influence, its technology, its social status, it is the foundation for world domination, a soft power with a hard shell, the financial sphere of power is one of the most significant in the digital age. Although one should keep in mind that with its roots in intellectual sphere, the financial world is all in your head, the only thing that makes it real is that its in everyone else's head too.
The next column of powers consists of will and technology, both derive from a combination of foundational power spheres.Will has its roots in both the spiritual and emotional spheres of power, it is the force that enables us to chose, to do, and to do anything. Will is the energy within you that allows you to move your hand, or your foot, and that same energy was used to win wars, and world wide olympic games. Will power can be one of the strongest powers human beings are capable of having, there are many amazing, dark, and mysterious things that our power of will allows us to do.Technology on the other hand, has its roots in both the intellectual and social sphere, as it is both logical and collaborative. The gun is technological power, the nuclear bomb is technological power, the internet, cars, tanks, knives, swords, boats, airplanes, and surveillance drones are all forms of technological power. It is one of the strongest in this world, and has been throughout human history, although it has been significantly more powerful since the industrial and recent digital revolutions have left their mark. Spaceships, rockets, artificially intelligent machines, memory scans, etc. the list goes on forever, the technological sphere is without a doubt full of power. The remaining two spheres in the final column requisite and authoritative power, are or can be comprised of almost all of the above.
Requisite power is the power gained through having something that is valuable or needed by others. For example, OPEC (oil exporting nations) have requisite power over the global economy and natural gas industries, they have what others need; that is a form of power, although it is typically more important on the larger scale it does have a large influence on the individual level as well.The last form of power in the 12 spheres is authoritative power, which is; the power gained through having authority over an individual, group, or nation. A King has authoritative power over his subjects, just because of their position on the social hierarchy, although not all hierarchies are social, and not all authoritative power is relative to the social world; it usually is. Although there are still kingdoms in the world, a more modern example of authoritative power would be the power the police have over 'ordinary citizens'. The police can arrest, carry guns, have access to data bases, and other merits, and liberties that give them the authoritative power they have. A police officer can kill a criminal and be hero, but an 'ordinary citizen' that kills a criminal is a criminal, more often than not. Authoritative power is not only an asset but also a strong source of power within the limits of jurisdiction, although it may seem to be contrived and artificial, the authoritative sphere of power has proven itself to be a form of immense power, time and time again.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What is Awareness?

A perception is your window to the world, how you see what you see, your consciousness is house in which your perception exists, but these are both things that allow you to see, but where is the you? 
You can see someone fall off a tree and perceive it as sad, nerve wrecking, funny, or exciting, you can perceive a thought coming into your consciousness, or an emotion you feel; within your consciousness that thought or emotion is able to be perceived, your consciousness is house and sponge for both internal and external stimuli, the placeholder your mind, state of being, and self-awareness. But what exactly is that awareness? How do you use your consciousness to perceive anything, for without your self awareness, how are you any different from an tree in terms of your perceptive abilities? A tree is there, it is alive, right, but it has no brain, but then, what does a brain, or rather, a mind..do that enables you to distinguish yourself from everything else, what causes you to naturally be able to understand that you are you, that individuals are individuals, and the world at large is in fact an entire world and not just what you see or hear?
Awareness, more specifically self-awareness is you, it is the ability to say I am, as Descartes discovered. Because you are self-aware and you can think and perceive, you are..but why? and how is this done.
In order to understand awareness and self awareness one must first understand the concept of multiple awareness. The only way you can be aware of anything, is to not be aware of something else as a human being, for if you were aware of everything, you no longer have a perception or self awareness because you would have lost your ability to be subjective. This is because as a human being you can perceive things, including yourself, so in order to have a full perception of your self, you would have to be able to recognize that you are in fact yourself, but if a human being was able to perceive himself as both himself, and someone else, he would no longer have self awareness, it becomes a paradox. This does not mean that a human being cannot perceive himself as more than just that, for it is possible to annihilate the ego and achieve a state a clarity and connection to existence itself for beyond your own realm of individual consciousness and perception, to lose your individuality, note, this is not the perception of everything,although it is a broader perception..  . so it is possible to have a consciousness and perception, without self awareness, now that that has been established it is safe to say that consciousness, perception and self awareness are three completely different things that often intersect and complement each other.
So self-awareness then would have to be within your consciousness, for without it, you cannot use the tool of perception to achieve self-awareness, your perception is a necessary article for self-awareness, for without logic, emotions, and sensuality, you have nothing to become self aware with. So your mind then, perceives that it is a mind, and understands that it is a mind. But your mind does this constantly, you change, you see different things, you hear different sounds and you have different thoughts so how does this one aspect of you stay the same? Even if you forget everything you know and space out, and you can still be self-aware. So your mind is not the you, that you perceive in order to comprehend that you are you, for even without a single thought in your mind, you can still be self aware. Using no effort at all in your conscious mind you can maintain your self-awareness. So you are perceiving something outside of your mind that you inherently distinguish as yourself. This is most likely because that thing outside your mind  is you, going beyond the body, for even in a dream you can be self aware.In a dream you can either merely experience the dream, or become lucid, and experience yourself inside of the dream; your self-awareness has nothing to do with your body or the sight of your body, your five senses, your thoughts, and your consciousness.
My conclusion on this aspect of self-awareness is that your perception is a window and a mirror, it can see inside your consciousness, and the outside world.You are then one step behind your consciousness, and are being perceived by your internal perception of the individual consciousness of yourself, by 'looking' into the reflection of yourself in the dual sided mirror of the eyes (window), of your perception of the external worlds reflection of you as you,  by seeing into both the external world, and the internal world at the same time, with the ability to perceive in multiple directions as different perspectives inside the same larger perception, that your perception, along with your ability to subconsciously and consciously reason, you are able to deduce that the 'invisible bridge' between the you outside your mind (the energy the gives life you consciousness, e.i, soul), the you outside your perception( the you other people see), and the you inside your mind ('the voice of your thoughts'), and the you the senses and feels (your senses and emotions) and the you that effects the outside world ( your will), as you.Between these five points there are series of mirrors and doors that all line up with each other in fourth dimensional space, enabling each layer of consciousness and perception to exist in unison separately on higher and lower spaces and planes 'across' from each other. There are countless other mirrors and doors that establish those said mirrors and doors before them. Through all the layers and connections, this does form the invisible bridge, the reason I call this the invisible bridge is because there is theoretically no space for it to connection, but that is because it would be 4D, and so moving through 3 dimensional reflections ( reflections with depth).
The five pointed star is then, theoretically, your self awareness.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Sailor, and the Magic Island in the Sea of Dreams

The Sailor who once vowed to sail the sea for all of time and be, forever free, in the sea in the dreams, sailed deeper and deeper into the vast ocean, as he past by many more an Island, they began seeming less and less appealing to him. Unlike when he first left the Island, and learned the valuable lesson of swimming, and trust, and importance of it; now he felt as though he had no real hope or need for an Island to dock his ship. The memories of the enchanting Island never left him, but they did begin to fade, the lush sand, the playful animals, the protective spirit..and the inner forest he never entered, were no longer the same in his mind, though no less, one of a kind. He decided that instead of regretting and reminiscing about his time there, he would focus more on all the lessons he could learn. How could he have improved himself, how can he now; how can he remove himself, from the things he vowed? How he can he regain, the sanity of his brain, without the sweet Island sand and fruit and grain? He thought so long, as he sailed into the dawn, only comforted by the sound of the crashing waves. He sailed so fast, he nearly forgot his past, but remembered that all sailors must be brave, and look ahead! into the sea, into the dread!, Ill sail it free, or I'll be dead! The wind is my roof, and the ocean is my bed, I have no need for an Island! that's what he said. So he went on a little longer, through more pain and strife, seeing beautiful creatures, and mystifying sights. And as he grew in knowledge, he also grew in strength, he became wiser, and stronger, and a better sailor too, but a sailor who never docks, much like the sea is blue.
So he continued on his travels and learned such amazing things, as when he spoke to the birds above, he asked them why they sing, as he passed a swimming whale he asked it why it swam, and when he saw the sun set, he thought...life is like this land. He said, life is like the sand, and life is like the sea. You can stand where you stand, and be where you be, or you can travel far and wide, and smell the air and feel the breeze. You can be unlike the land dwellers and experience a profound ecstasy, in the ocean of forever, its an illusion for all to see, for anyone who has truly sailed, or a sailor much like me..would know the ocean is a circle, just like the circle of our lives, just like sun, just like the moon, and the all the atoms that together make us one. So he went to an Island, and went out, then to another, and another, and kept on moving inland in the hopes of finding an Island where he could stay. This was not same the sailor as before though, he has been deep into an Island before, and he has seen many, many more, and he remembered whats its like to rest along the shore, and he remembered the words of light, spoken by the Island spirit pure. Although this time he did not expect to be mystified, he was far to cautious to fall into a trance on any Island, he just wanted a place to rest. So he looked for just that, much less an Island than a nest. He believed it was time he just dock and try his best, but he never could forget, the glowing bliss of what he left.
Until the day he did, the day he finally realized, that no Island would be the same, and he was a fool to believe that different sands would have not different grain, and different animals, and different trees, under the same sun, with the very same breeze..but no Island is that Island, and that Island,no other Island will ever be, and the sea is the very same ocean, that he sailed for so far to long, so he pulled up the sails and dashed across the ocean like a fawn, who just learned to run, but after a while he simply floated along. and then and only then, did he see an Island in the distance, where the rocks parted, and the water was calm, but he no longer wanted to dock himself into an illusion of no harm. So he floated on by, and passing it with only a sigh, and continued on his journey of sailing far and wide. Then to his surprise the waves carried him back to that Island, and he took it as a sign. So he went to the Island, and to his amazement, the Island truly shined. It filled his heart with joy, happiness he hadn't felt since he was just a boy, this Island was more than an Island, it was beautiful and soothing. The birds songs there made him never want to leave the moment he entered, the sand felt as if it was perfect for his feet as it cushioned every step, and the forest was so deep. and as he embarked on this journey into the depths of the forest, he saw glowing flowers that would stun any florist. He saw strange and mystical sights, as he experienced magical and glorious nights. The moon was brighter there, the animals were kinder there, the trees were very tall, and his new hopes, he believed, would never fall. Every day he would swim, and swim, and swim, and the spirit of the Island, never even approached him.
Each new day he swam, upon his return he was welcomed deeper into the forest, and deeper and deeper, further than he ever thought he had gone before. And each time he journeyed deeper into the forest, he was happy, and full of life, the Island was magical, and pure, it was just right.
The sailor was so full of happiness, and was so intrigued by the adventure and mystery of the Island forest, he could never imagine a world outside the Island, everything was great, the fruit, the grass, the rivers, and lakes, it was beyond his dreams, and it was real, it wasn't fake. The forest accepted the sailor, and the sailor wanted only to stay in that forest. A great harmony and connection that sailor shared with the forest as he cared for the plants and animals there, nurturing the life of the forest. He did this for a fairly long while, but he soon realized that as he continued going deeper into the forest, the plants there needed more water, and the animals more food, the land didn't really seem as though it had ever really been cared for before, it was strange to the sailor, but he didn't mind nurturing and growing the forest and plants, so long as he felt that soft and soothing sand in between his toes, and could breathe in the wonderful fresh and fruitful scent of the Island air, and drink from the untouched waters of the rivers lying beyond the tall magic trees.
Until there came a day when a large ship docked nearby and a sailor spoke of a an important mission to him, a voyage to a new land that he must embark on, more important than the Island he stayed, so he went on the voyage, and for a fairly long while, and tasted the new tastes, and walked the new lands, and sailed in a new part of the vast and open sea; and ofcourse, fulfilling his mission on the voyage. The sailor learned alot about the world, and the sea, and himself on this voyage, but like all great journeys, it came to an end, and as he sailed the sea in joy and anticipation of his return to the Island and waters he knew, he also carried with him the new discoveries he had made, and all the time he had spent away from the Island was also present in the air. And so on his return to Island, he noticed, after ofcourse the sailor's reconnection and temporary trance, it became evident to the sailor, that Island hadn't changed. Everything was the same, no other sailors had docked their ships, there was no new adventures, and glowing flowers, became just that, flowers, that glowed. So the sailor traveled around the forest, but all he ended up discovering was un-nurtured plants, and unfed animals, so he fed them, and looked for meaning on the Island. He traveled around and around, until he realized, with a reluctant epiphany, that the Island, and its forest, was a circle, and he also realized, that there is no meaning in an Island, however beautiful, however comfortable, and great, or magical or amazing..
if you never reach the inner forest. Yes the inner forest, that truly magnificent and tranquil place of never ending adventure and intrigue, where the the the forest feeds you with the same care you feed the forest, and as one with the Island, you flourish.
The sailor was filled sorrow as he searched for the inner forest, but it was hidden from him, he couldn't even attempt to hack throw the thick trees as he once did before. The sailor searched far and wide for the Island spirit...but it never came, and what became evident to the sailor, is that the outer forest was as deep as he could go...but this time it was easier for him to accept when his stay an Island had come to end, for he knew everyday would not be an adventure on the Island for him, he knew that on this Island, it wasn't wise for him to swim, for the Island spirit never even came to protect what was within, and though he thought and honestly believed, that this sand, and these trees, would be all that he ever wanted, and all he could ever need, without entrance to the inner forest, an Island is much like the sea, a never ending circle, with the lack of feeling free, instead you would be trapped in misery, and after all he did for the Island, he sailed away with only broken dreams....though he learned a valuable lesson, about sailors, Islands, and the sea...sail until the song of birds on golden sand, enlightens you with bliss, from the moment you hear it, dock your ship on the Island and swim only once greeted by the spirit, for the spirit only comes to sailors who can see it, so swim swim, swim, after you see the forest within, with shining rivers, and thick trees, as apposed to thin....don't give to much to the Island, if you gain nothing in return, and don't give to little, it is balance you should you learn...don't be a fool, and don't be coward, when you see a magic Island, or an Island with glowing flowers..leave the sea of dreams, and dock your ship on violet flowers...but remember to be wise in a forest with beautiful birds, and glowing trees...no matter what Island you enter, know when to stay..and know when to leave.....and until you find the right Island, be patient and sail the sea of dreams....

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Cultures of Wealth and Poverty

Throughout the world, and time, human societies have always had a uniqueness to their mode of operation. The way people talk, the way they dress, what they do for fun, what they think is acceptable, and alot of what they think of, and how they think of it to a degree. Their music, their food, their architecture, politics, education system, if they have one, their poetry, their distinctive traits as an independent country or region. These are all the characteristics of a culture, and as with all human societies, there is one. This is also a thing that separates human beings from animals, as some believe humans derive from animals, so I pose this question to that group of people; When something evolves, its instincts stay relatively the same, for instance, if an animal is independent, such an iguana, it does not require the need to interact with other iguanas. If an animal is dependent, such as lion, it does require the need to interact with other lions. If humans were to be dependent animals, then why do some chose to wander away from their pride or herd? there is no travelling lion, and yet there is a travelling human, and if one believes it instinct that determines a species' mode of operation, and not its intelligence, then how would you explain what I dub, 'the travelling lion paradox'.
Since there is a travelling lion paradox present, then human beings are therefore, fundamentally different from lions, and so, other animals too. This is because of reason, human beings have the ability to decide what they want to do, and what they do not want to do, so if one chooses to be a travelling lion, he or she is able to, and if one does not want to be a travelling lion, he or she, is able, not to be a travelling lion, so, he or she, is by no means anything like a lion, but rather, a traveler, or, not a traveler. In order for reason to exists, three other things must also exist: intelligence, a will, and a perception. To reason is to think, and order to think, one must posses intelligence, for instance; if you see a fish swim, you think of why it swims, and if you can swim, like the fish, so now, until a deer, you can decide whether or not you want to jump in the water and see if you can swim, and if you cannot swim, you can think of how you might be able to, you can learn something new. A will is necessary in order to achieve reason, after intelligence, because how can you decide to swim, or to learn how to swim, without the ability to act on  a thought or idea. With a will, you can decide not only what you think, but also what you do, without a will you cannot bring anything into reality, any reality, and so, you would just be a bunch of floating ideas disconnected from your body.
Your will brings you together into something, it connects you to the world you are in, as a human being. and lastly, a perception, with both intelligence and a will, you can think, and do, but with a perception, you can imagine. The reason an imagination is essential to achieving reason, is because if you cannot imagine yourself swimming like a fish, how would you ever have the thought, of could I swim like a fish? or perhaps, what would this fish look like if it was a different color. So within a human imagination, the purple fish, can be blue, and so, it exists a a blue fish, where? your perception, where within your perception? your imagination, and how can something exist, in non-existence? it cant, so therefore, perception is a world, and so..your imagination is a world, and both exist, as realities, how you move through this world, is through thought, and emotion, as your vehicle, and your will, as its fuel. The city, being your perception, and the culture of this city, is dependent, on your reason. Do you want your city to open to the public? why? what, will you do to achieve that? who will you let it? where, do you draw the line? how, do you decide where the line is drawn? once this has all been established, through reason, your 'city' has its won 'culture', its uniqueness, you can learn how it works, and how you want it to be, this is why human societies have a culture, because we can reason.Your thoughts, however different, typically follow your reason, just as people in a city, often follow the city's culture.
How does ones reason change? well, how does ones culture change? it discovery, a war, or an outside influence, there are more examples but these are typically the largest factors in a culture shift. If you scale it to the level of a human perception, the resulting, 'culture shift' is likely to happen. We have culture, in all are societies, because that is how human beings, reason, think, and function. So who decides what the culture is, or rather, whos reason, does the society follow? Those in power, traditionally, the most powerful and influential members of the society are the ones who dictate and mandate all the rules, and proscribe the culture. Just as the most powerful and influential thoughts, are the often the ones that effect your reason. For instance, if a Somalian woman saved your life when you were a child, you would few Somalians differently then if a Somalian woman assisted in ruined your parents marriage by cheating with your father, if either was the only Somalian woman you ever met, that would strongly impact your view and perception of Somalians, and Somalian woman in particular. This is an example of a strong thought born from a specific event, that evolved or devolved into form of reason, which dictates a perception. Whereas if someone falls in love, it isn't so much a particular event that changed their perception, but rather, a new perception resulting from the fragmented thoughts forged together in a congealed mixture of feelings, emotions, and internal logic, stemming from the heart, that changed ones reason.
 More simply, a strong perception, with which thoughts came out of, which then reform into new way of reasoning. This is not to say love is merely a perception, but it definitely has a huge impact on one. So, imagine love as musician or artist in society, that speaks to the hearts of the individuals with it, connecting them, and influencing their perceptions, which ofcourse will influence their reason. Now imagine powerful thought, as a strong and powerful leader, that pushes a particular viewpoint so passionately, or forcefully, that his view is always in the society's mind, which ofcourse would effect their reason, and eventually, start to change their perceptions. Even if someone hates the musician, or thinks the leader is corrupt, it doesn't really matter, their views are already inside of you, that is what makes you either follow, or despise, because they are definitely effecting you. They are also very familiar to you, Rihanna influences the culture of America or even the UK, just as Barrack Obama effected the laws and mentalities of America or even Iraq. Both are modes of power, used to dictate or influence societies, in essence, soft power, or hard power. This is why media is such a dangerous tool in a democracy, a few influence the reason of the many, and the many keep the few in power. The few, the reason, of a society, gain their power through the symbol of a higher status in the society. This status symbol can be; spirituality, might, lineage, or wealth. It can really be anything, but most often, its one of those four. In the modern world, its usually just wealth, which means the many see wealth as the most uplifting status symbol. When the culture of a society is centered around wealth, wealth becomes the means of upward mobility within the society.

 Wealth is happiness, success, respect, power, influence, status, and the goal of the many. Your work becomes you, if one was to ask who you were, you would respond, 'I am a software engineer', or 'I am doctor', because that is how you gain wealth, and money. Because those are both lucrative professions, they are both prestigious professions, and if you are in one of those professions, you have prestige, because you have wealth. If you were to respond to the question " I am bus driver" you are not seen as prestigious, because that profession has no wealth in it. A society centered around wealth, is called a capitalist society. Capitalism is when those in power (the reason), establishes a culture of wealth, to the many (the individual thoughts following the reason). When this happens, money becomes everything, so then, what of all the other things? what of love? which cant be bought, what if piety? what of creativity and innovation? The short answer is, one by one, each non-physical reality, is crossed off, one by one, so that only the material remains.
Marriage, religion, faith, morality, abstract thought, spirituality, anything that isn't physically tangible, is not to exist in the minds of the general population, so that they may continue to look only at the material and physical world, where money, can be seen as the only symbol of status, and the meaning of life.
This is the foundation for a culture of wealth, but in any society, there is rich and also poor, so what of the poor?, what do the poor see as the meaning of life in a culture of wealth? the same thing the majority see as the meaning of life; wealth. Although, the poor members of a culture and society centered around money, develop a different wealth oriented culture. In this culture, anything goes in the pursuit of wealth, regardless of the actual reason. This is prostitution, drug and arms dealing, human trafficking, robbery, theft, extortion, and all other desperate pathways to sure destruction in the pursuit of often otherwise unattainable wealth and money. The professions, elements and lifestyles of the truly poor, the people who have no wealth and no means of upward mobility in this kind of society, are a result of capitalism.
Their reason for choosing to break outside the rules of society, are due to the effects of poverty on their reason, (read 'The Effects of Poverty on the Human Mind and Rationality' for more depth') and whether they are a communal or barbaric reasoner may have a great impact on their intention, but often not, what they actually end up doing. Their ability to reason becomes distorted by hunger, thirst, and pain, just as the wealthy cannot reason as their reason is distorted by power, comfort, and a lack of empathy. One is the culture of poverty, and the other is the culture of wealth, but it is the same culture, the same mind, so to speak, with the same reason, the same goal; *do whatever it takes, to get money, do whatever it takes to get rich, and so rich get richer, the poor don't eat dinner, you're society loses, but it doesn't matter if your the winner*

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Human Mind

A thought, a memory, an idea, a prediction, and a perception, where are these things, what are these things, and how are they different? Well each of these things, I believe exist within a human mind, but what exactly is a mind, where is your mind, and what exactly does it, will it, or can it do? To start, the best place to begin in answering these questions is discovering thought. In order to discover thought, true thought, and real  thought, you must first understand how to think, how to analyse the internal and external information coming from the outside world in, and the inside world out, into your mind. All of this information going to and coming from you, manifests itself in thought, a thought, singular, and multiple thoughts that combine to make up a larger or more complex thought, and that thought can quickly become, an idea, prediction, or memory. Information is key to thought, but information is not always knowledge, and knowledge is not always knowledge we understand. Learning how to discover thought, real thought, is learning how to analyze information, and interpret that information, and distinguish whether or not it is knowledge, or simply information that exists, before it even becomes a thought. One way to think clearly and have an open mind, is to think in 'the little things that make up thoughts', or as I call it, your first mind, and logically deconstruct each piece of the puzzle of information that will eventually become a thought, then reconstruct that information, as a thought.
 To use your first mind, simply have an open minded perspective, a rational view, and broader perception. An example of using this first mind, would be this scenario: "Hey how are you doing?" says a friend as she taps you on shoulder and looks into your eyes with a bright smile, instead of just responding to the question, and thus forming the thoughts to do so, take about a split second an analyze things, or rather, think, with your first mind before any thoughts formed, that way you prevent yourself from mixing the irreverent, or false information, with the relevant and true information, that coexist in the common thought, separate them, and progress, in the realm of thoughts and ideas. In the first mind, right between your subconscious, and conscious mind, you will most likely be able to see that your friend is happy, she wants to talk you, and she probably wants to talk to you about something. All of these things are fairly simple and probably wouldn't take much time to figure out, once you get in the habit of using your first mind, this will start to come naturally to you. Rather then simply saying, "Oh I'm fine, how are you" which is fine, its much better than "oh I'm fine", because that would be rude, but whats better then both of those responses would be something along the lines of "I'm doing fine (she's happy and wants to talk, and she probably has something specific she wants to talk about) things aren't too bad for me, and by the looks of it, you'redoing great!, why are you so happy, whats new?". This shows your friend that you're noticing her, paying close attention to her, and you really care what she has to say, and though, with an increased understanding of thoughts, and the human mind, that could easily be a fabricated illusion, if you keep it genuine, you may very well progress, not only the realm of thoughts and ideas, but also in communication, conversation, and socialization.
Now that real thought has been discovered, the next thing that essential to learn is the function of thoughts through time, and how those different types of thought, are different. The interesting thing about the human mind, is that it transcends the time barriers of the linear order of time in the physical world,the concept of past, present, and future, in that order, each in an independent area of time in physical world. In the world of minds, which can be discovered as what some call, 'the mental realm' time is kaleidoscopic, past, present, and future, can all exist in the same place, the mental realm, or plane is an actual place, just as the astral plane, and the physical plane are also places. The interesting thing about the mental realm though, is that we experience it for the entirety of our existence, and before we even see the physical world in front of us, we first see our minds, we see through our minds, and we also see with our minds. The physical world begins to look fake, or, less real, once you really start to understand how withdrawn the human species is from this world, humans don't even really seem to be in the physical world, its simply where everything is, put, where everything, interacts, but, the most common place human beings go, is conversation, or rather, 'into the minds of one and other', humans also go insane after attempting to exist solely in the physical world for a prolonged period of time, sleep deprecation (prevention of visiting an area the astral plane), or a deprivation socialization (prevention of visiting an area of the mental plane).
The 'past', 'present', and 'future', all 'exist' inside the human mind, which would mean, they all exist in the same place, using further deductive logic, that would mean that they all also exist in the same place, in time, meaning there are three 'articles of time' existing within one article of time, the present, this is because the only time that actually exists, is the present, and linear time only exists within the minds of human beings. This is a bold claim, so I'll remind you that this only a theory, but I personally believe this to be true, and I also believe that it makes sense. Now that the foundation has been built, I will elaborate further, into the three 'linear temporal' type thoughts, and the the one 'present' type thought. The three linear temporal thoughts, are memories (past), ideas (linear present), and predictions (future).A memory is a thought that exists in the linear past within a human mind, but unlike simply a thought, it is a collage of multiple thoughts that have formed a more concrete thought, and thus evolved in the realm of thoughts and ideas, into a memory, or a piece of the perceived past, within a human mind.
Memories connect humans to one and other, and build familiarity, comfort, and ease, among the human population. One can 'learn to love' through spending time someone for a prolonged period, even if it isn't real love ('love at first sight', true connection of souls, read "How to find your soulmate", and "What is love" if you want to learn more about this), but the love becomes 'real' through the comfort of a large array of memories,  both mental, and emotion memories, (read "The mechanics of the human heart" for more depth on  emotional and mental memories). The concept of "better the devil we know", is also a result of the phenomena of human memories, for memories build understanding and connection, and understanding and connection, result in comfort and ease, or sometimes, precaution, when a baby or child learns that falling hurts, that child will most likely be more cautious in high places after relearning this a few times, as a result of the memory, falling, and the memory of the pain caused by the fall.
In the linear present, which is different from the overall present, although they do intersect, is where ideas exist in the human mind. An idea is concrete collection of original thoughts, coming from both the outside world, or worlds, and the world of your own mind. An old idea, is a memory, although it is also an idea, but for all practical purposes right now, it is memory. An idea is the true meaning of the evolution of original thought, when you have an idea, it is born, and lives at the present moment you come up with the idea, but because it is in the linear temporal present, it can quickly become part of the past, and exist as both an idea and memory. In order to further travel and explore ones own mind, you must find, search, discover, and discuss, your own ideas, and the ideas of others around you, in order to further travel and understand, the realm of thoughts and ideas, within both your own mind, and the minds of other human beings, for in order for an idea to grow, you will need, food for thought, but do not simply eat this food, eat this food, grow, and start to grow your own food as well, as social beings, we often share our food with others, which is good for us, so long as we don't share too much, or give people food, that they don't know how to eat, or do not want to eat, giving a baby coca cola is bad for that baby, but giving a coca cola to a young child who enjoys the drink, can be a good thing, thoughts and ideas are very similar to this.
 The third linear temporal type of thought, is a prediction, which is the attempt to think in the future about something or many things, and as human beings, we posses this ability. We can plan, we can look forward to something, expect, and we can hope, all of these are types of predictions, although each one has its own layers of complexities to it. The human ability to 'see into the future' although, not always accurately, is one of our most special powers, our societies, our lives, our minds, can utilize this strange ability to think about things before they happen, and thus 'think in the future' to advance ourselves into a world full of meaning, purpose, and hope, but also at the same time, it can cause us anxiety and negative expectations, which pollute the mind, and ultimately corrupts the individual. The one present type of concrete thought, is a perception. A perception is the lens, and world, and reality, which we see the world and reality with. Understanding your perception, is key to evolving, and developing a broader and more rational, open minded, and understanding perception. Having a negative perception, results in a negative individual, which can cause negative things, exhibit negative actions, and say negative things, in other words, the construction of a negative perception will destroy any individual, and many other individuals around this individual, and can often  spread like a disease among people who are weak minded, or evil. On the other hand, having a positive perception, typically results in thinking about positive things, doing, and saying positive things, and carrying with you, a positive vibration, and a positive outlook on life, because of your positive perception.
The best perception to have though, is a perception of truth (read "What is Reality, and "Perception" for more depth), In my theory "what is reality" I state that there are three layers to 'reality', which are: perception of reality ( how you as an individual perceive the world humans are able to perceive): reality ( the world humans are able to perceive), and actuality, ( the real world, and the world of truth, the actual, world). In order to truly have a great and broad perception, you must be able to perceive truth, or, actuality, this can only be possible if human beings are actually able to perceive more than the what human beings are able to perceive, which humans can do. To make what I just said more clear to you, I will provide you an example of what I mean by this: You cant perceive an atom, it does not exist in the world perceivable by humans, by human technology sure, but that isn't the point, the point is, that you can still perceive an atom, you know there are atoms, and that that statement is true, and therefore, you develop, a perception of truth beyond the realm of your individual perception, or rather, the perception of actuality, which is extremely valuable, and not very common on the larger scale.

 The example was based on something more commonly understood so that it is easier to grasp, though the perception of actuality, and actual things, such as true, love, or true meaning, or simply, the truth, is a journey one must embark on for themselves, for it is both easy to explain, and impossible to explain at the same time. The human mind is extremely complex, and I believe, exists as a world of its own, with a larger world, or dimension, quite possibly the mental realm. The brain, is simply the physical manifestation of the human mind, one can leave their entire body and brain, and still be able to think, one can also awaken in dreams (lucid dream) and posses their own conscious mind, so the theory that dreams are simply part of your subconscious mind, doesn't really make much sense. The interesting thing about the brain is, if you look at the way the synaptic connections and neurons, and axons, in the brain, cells in the brain, they almost seem to mirror the imagine of the physical universe. So the human mind, which I believe to be a world of its own, also looks the part in its physical manifestation.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Logic and Emotions

As human beings our thoughts are primarily funneled through two lines of thought and reason that are fundamentally inseparable, these two lines of thought are, logical, and emotional. Logic in essence, stems from understanding, past knowledge, predictions, perception, beliefs, and reasoning. This part of thinking stems much more from time perception, clarity, calmness, and the individual external perception. Emotional thoughts, which is different from raw emotions in the sense that they are projected from the emotional center, or, heart, then transmitted into electrical signals in the brain that form thoughts, these thoughts can manifest themselves in words, pictures, sounds, or ideas. This part of thinking mainly focuses on present perception rather than the perception of linear time, emotional understanding, and emotional tides ( the push or pull of a given emotion that is presently experienced), and is usually an impulsive and 'felt' line of thought. An example of the differences would be, if there were two people who were watching two girls argue, and one is aggressive and volatile with an angry look in her eyes, while the other is passive with tiers in eyes, the one who is using a more logical line of thought might first look at the situation more deeply, think about who is at fault, why they arguing, what happened, are they going to fight, and should I do something, if so what. This line of thought requires the individual to be alot more calm and analytical of a given situation. While the one using a more emotional line of thought might would probably immediately add his or herself into the situation rather than observe it, and without 'logically' reasoning, quickly make a decision about what to do based solely on his or her own emotions, the emotions seemingly projected from each person involved, and the emotional environment at the present moment.
This line of thought requires the individual to have a strong emotional center, and trust in his or hers emotions, with a good grasp on emotional understanding. The logical reasoner my seem to be thinking about more, but that is really just a facade, they are both thinking more less the same amount, an example of how this is so, would be how quickly the emotional reasoner would change his or hers actions and words if just the look in each girl's eyes was reversed, where the aggressive one was crying, and the passive one looked angry. The logical reasoner would also have a different trajectory of thoughts aswell, but not to the extreme degree of the emotional reasoner. Both lines of thought are of equal importance and relevance, and a good balance of the two is optimal. Ofcourse, humans are not simply just logical and emotional beings, but also spiritual and instinctual aswell, what separates each pair from the other, is that the spiritual and instinctual components of human beings beyond thoughts, they come to us as feelings, and a sense of purpose, attraction and spiritual insight are things that just happen, we can't decide whether or not to have spiritual insight, or to be attracted to someone, you get it or you don't, and that is where emotions and logic differ, you can decide to think in a way that reflects happiness, and you can also decide whether or not a business deal is reasonable.

There is also three forms of both logic and emotions, for logic, there is Temporal Logic: Logic based primarily on time perception, remembering the past, predicting the future, and attempting to make sense of the present, this form of logic is extremely linear and focused, 'the sun rose for the past hundred years, it rose today, it will probably rise tomorrow',  'she spilled the tea on the white carpet, now she is anxious, probably because her mother will most likely be upset when she comes home and sees that', this is typically what people refer to when they mean, 'think logically'. The second form of logic is Insightful Logic, this strand of logic reasoning is less focused on time, and more so personal, social, mechanical, or spiritual etc. insight. It comes from knowledge, understanding, and experiencing something, an example of how this would differ from temporal logic would be: A man goes to India in the summer, it is extremely hot, he sees a woman and her husband happily drinking hot tea on their porch, using temporal logic this makes no sense, based on the past when it was hot, drinking something cold helped, and drinking something hot just made things worse, so why would it be different this time?, but the couple, using insightful logic, know that the sweat and natural cooling of the body produced by the hot tea in the extreme heat, would actually cool them off better than if they had drank cold water, simply a tradition past down that works, the reason why didn't really matter, it works, and their for it is logical.
Lastly there is Emotional Logic, this form of logic is strongest in the present, because that is where emotions are, but it can be applied to the past. Emotional logic is how an individual rationalizes the stimuli and memories of the emotional world, if someone is happy, it is logical for them to laugh, if someone is sad, it is logical for them to cry, and if someone is in love (a state of being) it is logical for them not be 'logical', but why does that make sense?, well it doesn't, that lover is using emotional logic to rationalize his or hers perception, it makes sense, just maybe not to everyone. Then one might say, well how does this differ from simply emotions then?, and wouldn't everything be logical then, even insanity, simply because it is logical to them?, well it differs from emotions because it isn't 'felt reasoning', but rather, reasoning based on what was or is felt. Emotions only (without existing my own theoretical understanding of things) exist in the present, how can feel happy, three days from now, or even yesterday, well you can't, ( again, without leaving my comfort zone of theoretical knowledge and understanding), you can only feel what you feel right now, that is what it means to feel anything emotionally, and emotions are felt, and therefore, are a present phenomena, yes a memory can induce an emotion, but that is still presently felt.
 But with emotional logic, you can apply it to past felt emotions aswell as present emotions, just not future emotions, you can predict how something will make you feel, or how you might make someone else feel by doing something, but that is just a guess, it isn't based on emotional logic, it would be based on insightful and or temporal logic which wouldn't be much more than a guess at that point either. But rationalizing why you are making someone feel a certain way in the present moment, based on the current emotional environment, stimuli, and the perceived  level connection you can attempt to apply logic to something almost outside of its grasp, that is emotional logic, her eyes look dead, she seems bored and angry, she says she hates you, but you know she loves you and so glad you are there with her at this low point that it might just be the based day of her life, no smile, nothing no logical signs of happiness, but two days later she showers you with affection and love, that is a small example of the vast mysterious world of the intersection of logic and emotions, someone how everything that women did made sense to you, she isn't crazy, and nothing changed to make her like that, there is no other source of information to pull from to obtain any basis for a logical reason for that scene, than simply, complex, human emotions, using emotional logic.
Emotions, on the other hand, also have three forms, as I stated in my theory (Emotions and the 9 states of being), this three forms are basic emotions, like happiness, complex emotions like pride, happiness in addition to an intelligent thought (intelligent meaning the life form), and a state of being, like love, an emotion, a complex thought, and an altered consciousness completely outside your control. Emotions are impulsive and very present, you don't think them through, because having them is the 'thought' in a another sense of the word. Emotions work much faster than logic, they are instant and grow exponentially, varying in size and strength from individual to individual, and in each individual, also varying based on each given 'time frame' of the infinite present. The heart and emotional center interpret every emotional stimuli in the present world of the individuals perception, every connection, the strength of that connection, the spiritual vibrations in the area, the interconnected network of emotional transactions and hyper-communication taking place in the rapidly changing and exchanging environment of human emotions, and then projects out a pulse of emotional 'words' for each human heart involved to 'hear', with a different meaning and direction with each pulse just as with verbalization each sentence we say is typically different or directed to a specific person or group people.
Emotions are 'living', they are active and present, impulsive and intelligent, human beings communicate with each other not just with words, but also emotions as well, looking into someones eyes, frowning, smiling, really everything you do, say, or show involving any kind of emotional activity, are all part of human thoughts, actions, and memories.
When living and existing in a world of logic and emotions, one should always be aware of what they are doing, feeling, and thinking, as well as what others do, think, and feel. Logic and Emotions are both vital to the human mind, heart, body and soul, we use them to try to understand what is going on around us, to learn, to experience and understand, and really, just to be human. Logic is not thinking in a rational way, Thinking in a rational way is logic, but one must use the right form of logic, to think rationally about what it is they are thinking about. Emotions are not a human construct, they are part of the construct of humans, remembering that will give you insight into why people do what they do, and why you do what you do, when it seems like neither are you have a reason for it. And using Emotional Logic, one can see the walls being torn down between him or her, and the rest of humanity, it helps one see why one man prays and another doesn't, why a woman loves who she loves, why a child is afraid of the dark, why a prostitute dreams of being in a happy marriage, and why someone in a happy marriage dreams of being in a prostitute, we can see these things if you we you use our amazing ability to reason, and apply it to our amazing ability to feel like there is one.