Sunday, December 22, 2013

Logic and Emotions

As human beings our thoughts are primarily funneled through two lines of thought and reason that are fundamentally inseparable, these two lines of thought are, logical, and emotional. Logic in essence, stems from understanding, past knowledge, predictions, perception, beliefs, and reasoning. This part of thinking stems much more from time perception, clarity, calmness, and the individual external perception. Emotional thoughts, which is different from raw emotions in the sense that they are projected from the emotional center, or, heart, then transmitted into electrical signals in the brain that form thoughts, these thoughts can manifest themselves in words, pictures, sounds, or ideas. This part of thinking mainly focuses on present perception rather than the perception of linear time, emotional understanding, and emotional tides ( the push or pull of a given emotion that is presently experienced), and is usually an impulsive and 'felt' line of thought. An example of the differences would be, if there were two people who were watching two girls argue, and one is aggressive and volatile with an angry look in her eyes, while the other is passive with tiers in eyes, the one who is using a more logical line of thought might first look at the situation more deeply, think about who is at fault, why they arguing, what happened, are they going to fight, and should I do something, if so what. This line of thought requires the individual to be alot more calm and analytical of a given situation. While the one using a more emotional line of thought might would probably immediately add his or herself into the situation rather than observe it, and without 'logically' reasoning, quickly make a decision about what to do based solely on his or her own emotions, the emotions seemingly projected from each person involved, and the emotional environment at the present moment.
This line of thought requires the individual to have a strong emotional center, and trust in his or hers emotions, with a good grasp on emotional understanding. The logical reasoner my seem to be thinking about more, but that is really just a facade, they are both thinking more less the same amount, an example of how this is so, would be how quickly the emotional reasoner would change his or hers actions and words if just the look in each girl's eyes was reversed, where the aggressive one was crying, and the passive one looked angry. The logical reasoner would also have a different trajectory of thoughts aswell, but not to the extreme degree of the emotional reasoner. Both lines of thought are of equal importance and relevance, and a good balance of the two is optimal. Ofcourse, humans are not simply just logical and emotional beings, but also spiritual and instinctual aswell, what separates each pair from the other, is that the spiritual and instinctual components of human beings beyond thoughts, they come to us as feelings, and a sense of purpose, attraction and spiritual insight are things that just happen, we can't decide whether or not to have spiritual insight, or to be attracted to someone, you get it or you don't, and that is where emotions and logic differ, you can decide to think in a way that reflects happiness, and you can also decide whether or not a business deal is reasonable.

There is also three forms of both logic and emotions, for logic, there is Temporal Logic: Logic based primarily on time perception, remembering the past, predicting the future, and attempting to make sense of the present, this form of logic is extremely linear and focused, 'the sun rose for the past hundred years, it rose today, it will probably rise tomorrow',  'she spilled the tea on the white carpet, now she is anxious, probably because her mother will most likely be upset when she comes home and sees that', this is typically what people refer to when they mean, 'think logically'. The second form of logic is Insightful Logic, this strand of logic reasoning is less focused on time, and more so personal, social, mechanical, or spiritual etc. insight. It comes from knowledge, understanding, and experiencing something, an example of how this would differ from temporal logic would be: A man goes to India in the summer, it is extremely hot, he sees a woman and her husband happily drinking hot tea on their porch, using temporal logic this makes no sense, based on the past when it was hot, drinking something cold helped, and drinking something hot just made things worse, so why would it be different this time?, but the couple, using insightful logic, know that the sweat and natural cooling of the body produced by the hot tea in the extreme heat, would actually cool them off better than if they had drank cold water, simply a tradition past down that works, the reason why didn't really matter, it works, and their for it is logical.
Lastly there is Emotional Logic, this form of logic is strongest in the present, because that is where emotions are, but it can be applied to the past. Emotional logic is how an individual rationalizes the stimuli and memories of the emotional world, if someone is happy, it is logical for them to laugh, if someone is sad, it is logical for them to cry, and if someone is in love (a state of being) it is logical for them not be 'logical', but why does that make sense?, well it doesn't, that lover is using emotional logic to rationalize his or hers perception, it makes sense, just maybe not to everyone. Then one might say, well how does this differ from simply emotions then?, and wouldn't everything be logical then, even insanity, simply because it is logical to them?, well it differs from emotions because it isn't 'felt reasoning', but rather, reasoning based on what was or is felt. Emotions only (without existing my own theoretical understanding of things) exist in the present, how can feel happy, three days from now, or even yesterday, well you can't, ( again, without leaving my comfort zone of theoretical knowledge and understanding), you can only feel what you feel right now, that is what it means to feel anything emotionally, and emotions are felt, and therefore, are a present phenomena, yes a memory can induce an emotion, but that is still presently felt.
 But with emotional logic, you can apply it to past felt emotions aswell as present emotions, just not future emotions, you can predict how something will make you feel, or how you might make someone else feel by doing something, but that is just a guess, it isn't based on emotional logic, it would be based on insightful and or temporal logic which wouldn't be much more than a guess at that point either. But rationalizing why you are making someone feel a certain way in the present moment, based on the current emotional environment, stimuli, and the perceived  level connection you can attempt to apply logic to something almost outside of its grasp, that is emotional logic, her eyes look dead, she seems bored and angry, she says she hates you, but you know she loves you and so glad you are there with her at this low point that it might just be the based day of her life, no smile, nothing no logical signs of happiness, but two days later she showers you with affection and love, that is a small example of the vast mysterious world of the intersection of logic and emotions, someone how everything that women did made sense to you, she isn't crazy, and nothing changed to make her like that, there is no other source of information to pull from to obtain any basis for a logical reason for that scene, than simply, complex, human emotions, using emotional logic.
Emotions, on the other hand, also have three forms, as I stated in my theory (Emotions and the 9 states of being), this three forms are basic emotions, like happiness, complex emotions like pride, happiness in addition to an intelligent thought (intelligent meaning the life form), and a state of being, like love, an emotion, a complex thought, and an altered consciousness completely outside your control. Emotions are impulsive and very present, you don't think them through, because having them is the 'thought' in a another sense of the word. Emotions work much faster than logic, they are instant and grow exponentially, varying in size and strength from individual to individual, and in each individual, also varying based on each given 'time frame' of the infinite present. The heart and emotional center interpret every emotional stimuli in the present world of the individuals perception, every connection, the strength of that connection, the spiritual vibrations in the area, the interconnected network of emotional transactions and hyper-communication taking place in the rapidly changing and exchanging environment of human emotions, and then projects out a pulse of emotional 'words' for each human heart involved to 'hear', with a different meaning and direction with each pulse just as with verbalization each sentence we say is typically different or directed to a specific person or group people.
Emotions are 'living', they are active and present, impulsive and intelligent, human beings communicate with each other not just with words, but also emotions as well, looking into someones eyes, frowning, smiling, really everything you do, say, or show involving any kind of emotional activity, are all part of human thoughts, actions, and memories.
When living and existing in a world of logic and emotions, one should always be aware of what they are doing, feeling, and thinking, as well as what others do, think, and feel. Logic and Emotions are both vital to the human mind, heart, body and soul, we use them to try to understand what is going on around us, to learn, to experience and understand, and really, just to be human. Logic is not thinking in a rational way, Thinking in a rational way is logic, but one must use the right form of logic, to think rationally about what it is they are thinking about. Emotions are not a human construct, they are part of the construct of humans, remembering that will give you insight into why people do what they do, and why you do what you do, when it seems like neither are you have a reason for it. And using Emotional Logic, one can see the walls being torn down between him or her, and the rest of humanity, it helps one see why one man prays and another doesn't, why a woman loves who she loves, why a child is afraid of the dark, why a prostitute dreams of being in a happy marriage, and why someone in a happy marriage dreams of being in a prostitute, we can see these things if you we you use our amazing ability to reason, and apply it to our amazing ability to feel like there is one.

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