Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to find your Soul Mate and Secrets of True Love

Almost everyone past the age of maturity has asked this question: Does true love exist? and if so, how do I find my Soul mate?. This question can be very hard to answer, but as long as someone continues to ask it the answer will most likely appear to them. If one gives up on finding true love he or she will find themselves lost in the realm of love, and unable to transgress and progress in the realm of love because there are three fundamental components to the progression in the captivating and mystical world of love and true connection between human beings. These three fundamental components are as follows; Belief, you must belief it is possible, that you can find true love, you must believe in yourself, believe that you are someone else's true love, and truly believe that no matter how many times you were hurt before, this time will be different. The next is ambition, don't just believe in true love, but also be ambitious about finding it, about opening yourself  to realm of love, be active, have initiative, and transcend beyond to the realm of true love by being ambitious. Lastly one needs hope, you can be as ambitious as you want but if you don't have that hope than it can be easy to lose sight of the what is ahead, to give up, to just accept the love you can find easily, but hope will give your heart that backbone to tell yourself and the world that you will never give up, and you know that you can find true love. Hope is vital to finding your soul mate, one must have the hope necessary to move forward, not merely the motivation but rather the foundation for all the pieces of the grand puzzle of the human heart, a heart without hope is a heart that cannot love, for hope, love, and trust are all made out of the same 'material', or rather they all exist in the same area of the heart. This is because the heart, much like the brain, has a consciousness, in my earlier theory I explained that this is called an 'emoconsciousness' which is the emotional center, and conscious mind of the heart of all human beings (see 'The mechanics of the human heart' for more depth).
I examined the different areas of love within the heart, and the different kinds of love, but the heart is not simply a container for love it holds much more than just that in its complex array of emotional 'thoughts'  and 'memories' where love is more so a memory, this is not to be confused with memories in the brain, emotional memories are not stagnant like mental ones, they are in a sense living and active memories that are interconnected with thoughts, when a thought and a memory combine with ones spiritual baseline, which produces 'True logic' ( the center of all reason and rationalities for human beings), and their 'Quintessential Nature' ( the natural emotional response to all different types of stimuli), it produces a feeling. Feelings, conscious emotions, and beliefs are the little things that make up thoughts, subconscious thoughts, external stimuli, memories, non-emotional logic, synaptic connections, and the speed of which neurons communicate in specific areas of the brain make up a conscious thought. Conscious thoughts, surface logic ( Logic used to filter thoughts through rather than end up with thoughts), and current feelings ( a conscious feeling that made its way into your thoughts), make up an idea, and a person's ideas and active current feelings ( a stable feeling about a particular person, place, thing, or idea) make up their perception.
And lastly, a person's perception is a layer of reality, (see 'perception' and 'what is reality?' for more depth) this is actually a world of its own, this can be seen more clearly in the astral plane where parts of a dream (which exists in the astral plane) are a result of your perception. This is all relevant to know in order to find one's souls mate. Everyone exists in a world of their own, within a larger world we like to call a dimension, which is ofcourse within countless other dimensions. Each world of a human being is different like a snowflake, but also much like a snowflake they are all made out of the same things. If a person's world is connected to your own, than your vibrations will be very similar and you will know this instantly when your wavelengths combine (see 'spiritual energy, vibrations, aura, wavelength,and the stem to better understand). Out of all the different worlds of human beings, there are only two that can result in true love, one is your 'perfect balance' and the other is your 'missing half'.

Your perfect balance is someone who balances out all your positive and negative qualities with their own, your polar opposite, and as we all know, opposites attract. It is not so much the opposite in the sense of: you like the night, and your balance like the morning, but rather: you are creative, bold, outgoing, unstable, and adventurous, and your balance is overly rational, clam, shy, very stable, and rooted. While your Missing half would have relatively the same baseline characteristics as yourself, someone who understands you, and is in your same world in a sense. To find your perfect balance go places you never thought you'd go, do things you could never even imagine yourself doing, if you are an extrovert look into yourself and if you are an introvert look out to the world. Leave your comfort zone behind, and find a comfortable home for your heart shine, your perfect balance. Or, if you want to find your missing half, do everything you always wanted to do, if you're adventurous, go on an adventure, if you're a scholar at heart, take a class you enjoy, and you're calm and rooted, then calmly put down your roots, and your missing half will surely sprout out of the seeds of love that you planted with your ambition.

If you believe you love someone ask yourself these three questions: Why do I love this person? What do I love about this person? and What do I value you the most about our love and relationship?, if the answers to those questions encourage you to belief that this person is your 'perfect balance' than you have found true love, and if this person seems to be your 'missing half' than you have also found true love. But neither finding your 'perfect balance' nor your 'missing half' is the pinnacle of the realm of love and true love, for if one was to find someone who is both your 'perfect balance' and your 'missing half', than that is someone who has found his her's soul mate. *I have found someone wonderful, and someone great, someone who's heart sung a song that opened mine's gates, I have found someone who understands me but doesn't make the same mistakes, we are similar but not simply on a simpler wavelength, we are different souls with different goals and yet in the same place, I have found someone wonderful, and someone truly great, a magical love exists between us that feels as if our love was fate, I think this person that I found is so profound, I profess to the rest of all those who can here the sound of my heart beat to the dancing fleet of love that surrounds that gorgeous face that I believe I found, my one true, soul mate.*

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting theory. I think that an integral aspect of true love is being able to endure hardship, sacrifice, and self-restraint for the sake of another. When someone is selfish--even selfishly in love--the relationship will fail. However, your theory is idealistic and quite romantic.
