Saturday, May 18, 2013

Emotions and The 9 States of Being

I belief that there is a difference between certain phenomena that we label as emotions, love, hate, happiness, sorrow, depression, confidence, envy, these are not the same, there is a difference, some are basic emotions, and some are complex emotions, and some are states of being. But what is that difference right, what is an emotion? and what is a state of being? To answer that I would first have to explain the different types of emotion. There are two types of emotions, Basic Emotions or moods, and Complex Emotions or cognitive emotions. A Basic Emotion is a feeling that is evoked from a thought or stimulus directly affecting a person without interpretation, directly from Reality, for there is no perception of a basic emotion, it simply is. To better understand this think of it this way if get stabbed or kissed, you can feel pain or pleasure via your sense of touch, you don't have to know or understand anything to feel pain, you simply have to exist and have a sense of touch, you don't even have to be human, pain or pleasure is just something you feel. Basic Emotions are extremely similar to this, they are the 'heart's' sense of touch. Basic Emotions are one level deeper than physical touch though they are alike, what I mean by this is that I don't believe emotions are simply chemical reactions and electrical impulses in the brain, it doesn't make sense, the neurons and synaptic connections in the brain may allow something to happen, in the case of a thought or emotion, but it is not in and of its self, all aspects of that thought or emotion, that would be like saying that a guitar is music, it simply give one the means to experience that thought or emotion, it plays a role, but the actual thought or emotion is something completely different, it isn't physical and it doesn't have a simple tangible existence, it is much more complex, with more than just the brain playing a part in its existence, although, the brain does play a part. But a basic emotion is still a basic emotion, your perception of reality, although does play a role in what thoughts or stimuli evoke the basic emotion you feel as well as the intensity of it, does not actually effect the most basic aspect of experiencing that emotion, no matter how you perceive reality, if you don't have food you feel hunger, your friend feels hunger, your pet feels hunger, it is the exact same thing for everyone and everything, you feel a certain type of pain, and you desire food, that is what hunger is, and hunger is a basic emotion. A Complex Emotion is a little bit different, and many of which are unique to humans. In the case of a complex emotion, your perception of reality does play a role in the experience of the emotion, it becomes much more of an individual occurrence, you have to have some level of cognitive ability, knowledge and understanding to feel a complex emotion, a perceived thought combined with an emotion. Regret, compassion, envy, these are all complex emotions, in the case of regret for example, you would have to know what right and wrong are, or what the alternate outcome could have been, you would also have to understand why what you did was wrong or ruined your chance at the better outcome, and you would have had to reflect on the event or occurrence and think about it applying all the things you learned in order to experience that emotion, as far as we know, a male lion does not regret killing the children of his desired mate, he does not reflect on what he has done or three years later imagine what life would have been like, has he not killed his mate's children, he simply acted on the basis of instinct or a basic emotion, and continued on through the forest of life, where as a human being would have been feeling all kinds of regret and other complex emotions. Perception of Reality, thought, and some level of a basic emotion, as far as my knowledge, comprise these mysterious phenomena. A State of Being is the next level, its so much more than a complex emotion, it is the conjugation between mind, body, and soul in order to experience a level of existence in reality overlapping other consciousness and existential planes. Existence itself is a state of being, the foundation for all states of being to derive from, without existence you cannot experience anything because you are nothing, thus making existence essential to all other states being. Living, Death, and Existence are what I call the three foundations, within these three foundation states, there are nine states of being, which include: Love, Awareness, Self Actualization, Confidence, Fear, Spirituality, Confusion, Insanity, and Depression. Dreaming, astral projection and intoxication are that I call the overlay states, they enhance, or effect the 9 states but are not emanating from the the conjugation from the mind, body and soul as are the nine, but rather from physical or spiritual stimuli or dimensions, they are entire worlds or feelings that are not produced from true consciousness alone. An example of how a state of being like my favorite example: love, romantic love, my great grandfather met a girl when he was around my age, that he was physically attracted to, but he, as am I, was physically attracted to many other girls, it was just a basic emotion, attraction, then he talked to her a few times, now its multiple basic emotions, happiness, infatuation, but its also complex emotions as well, compassion he wants to be kind to her, jealousy when he sees her laugh at another guys joke, regret, when he didn't bring her flowers that one valentines day, but then its progresses even more, beyond the emotional states, to a state a being, love, where he thinks about her constantly, he feels connected to her, he wants to make her happy, he trusts her, hes there for her, he respects her, he only wants to be with her, and that feeling has brought him into an entirely new world, and even after over 60 years of being together, he still loved her just as he did when he first fell in love, even after her looks faded, even after she lost her memories, her mind really, and could not even speak, he was still in love, he was still in that state of love, that is not an emotion, that is a state of being, and I believe on some level we all recognize that, just look at the wording we use, 'In love' it's a state of being. Fear, you can feel it through your entire body, trapped in your mind, and tingles your soul, it can last a life time, it is another world, awareness same thing, its another world, and so on and so forth, these states can overlap and intersect but, they are still worlds of there own, states, of being.

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