Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Mechanics of the Human Heart

Time and time again people find themselves asking this specific question, why..do we need love, or even just why do we love? The answer is never really clear to us, much like numbers and time perception, it something we simply accept as part of our humanity, something natural, and unexplainable, that we all somehow understand. We get it, it makes sense to us, these things that we can't actually describe to another, but we walk this earth with a mutual understanding that love simply happens, attraction is part of humanity, and it is impossible to be happy without atleast one form of love in this world. Many people will say, no, love is not a necessity, or it doesn't exist, or its purely a scientific phenomenon that occurs only in the brain as a means to ensure the reproduction and progress of our species, but I believe this to be false. Love is not simply magnified trust, lust or emotional greed, its the center and foundation for us to be able to function well in a society, its essential in achieving our maximum potential, and it is the only thing that ensures the cooperation and interdependence in each of the our realms of love in our heart, which are different from raw love, or the spiritual energy that pulses through our hearts and soul, a realm of love is love with a specific aura.
In order to understand the realms of love, one must first know the 7 different types of love (can also be found in "What is Love"), where atleast one must be present in order for a human being to function in a social, intellectual, emotional, or isolated environment. The seven are as follows: Romantic, platonic, religious, bestial, passionate, material,  and self love. with these 7 loves, there is a 'society' that works together, and connects to one and other in your heart, this society builds together a network of relationships of all the loves we posses, positive or negative, and forges together a realm, this realm is your 'foundation of love' in other words, it is the walls and city of your heart, based on all the love you have, had, and how each love effected your heart, your memories, your mind, relationships, and yourself, it determines how you 'emosubconsciously' ( internalize based on the subconscious 'mind' of the heart) any form of new love. In the figure below, the lines represent the pathways to going deeper into the heart, they also represent areas of the heart that cannot be penetrated, therefore protecting strong love.
The two circles represent the deeper areas of the heart, where the forms of love within each are stable within that circle with few acceptations of conversation (for instance platonic love with an unrelated friend can sometimes actually transform into platonic familial love "You're like a brother to me") The difference between the area of the heart outside the circles and the area inside in circles is that the outside areas are not only weaker forms of love, they are the most common forms of love. The area in the outer circle is stable there unless converted, this area of the heart is very important to having a strong and healthy social life, your passions, pets, friends and your self, very important to having happiness in this world, although you can still have love in the inner circle just the same without any in the outer, though very uncommonly. The inner circle and deepest part of the heart has an extra layer of protection, this blue line of protection is trust, you must trust someone or something in order for it to enter the deepest part of your heart, full trust is not essential, but trusting that person or thing with your heart, which is not a mental choice and cannot be made or seen in your mind, it is purely a choice from emoconsciousness (conscious mind of the heart).
The reason we are able to somewhat mentally perceive things in our emoconsciousness is because it is connected to our mind, which attempts to interpret the feelings we have in our heart, and converting those feelings into thoughts, which we often do not understand, and often end  up asking things like 'Why do I love her?' again and again, and never really finding the answer. In the inner circle, the deepest part of your heart, there are also lines, small lines which are very hard to reach, but still reachable, through each point on the outer layer it is semi connected to. Therefore allowing passionate, platonic, bestial, and self, can all be converted into either, Romantic, Platonic-Familial, and Spiritual-Religious love. for example in Hinduism there is spiritual-religious love for the cow, bestial love, entering into spiritual-religious love. Areas on the outside of the circles still have a method of communication with the deepest area of the heart, by transitioning through the outer circle, in areas the lines connect to; An example of this would be slowly falling in love with woman  you never saw your self loving, this is because your heart took 'Developing Romantic' love, converted through the line connecting it to 'Passionate' or loving her with passion and intimacy, then converting that later into, a strong 'Romantic' love. True love is when your spiritual wavelength instantly connects with the wavelength of someone in its radius that matches your exact vibration, this allows for a rush of love into both hearts from the mere presence of the other, and floods the deepest part of heart with true romantic love, I believe this to be mechanics of "love at first sight". By combining mental and emotional intelligence, one is able to see and atleast try to understand the complexities of the mechanics of the human heart, think, love, and love to think.

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