Thursday, April 25, 2013

What is Love?

We all have some idea of what it is, but most will admit that no one can ever no for sure what it is. The first step to understanding love, or anything really, is to experience it, you can read as many love novels and scientific speculations as you want, and you could know alot about love, or at least have some idea of what it is, but you wouldn't be able to understand it. But even then the mysteries of love are still hidden to us. Also one of the aspects of this amazing thing we call love, is that the English language makes it even more confusing and complex than say, Greek, or Urdu, with many different words for the different forms. My Theory is that there are 7 different kinds of Love: Love of a passion (loving poetry), Love of Beast (loving your dog or cat), Material love (loving a ring or money), Platonic love (loving your best friend,mother or child), Religious Love ( loving your lord or your belief),Self love, and of course, Romantic Love. Just about every human being has experienced at least one form of love, many of us have experienced multiple forms. However, though they share the basic concept of happiness and desire, they are all separate emotions. So what is, Romantic Love, that's usually what we mean we when ask 'what is love'. Romantic love is probably the most complex form of love, and because of that there are many theories and philosophies as what it actually is. If you take the scientific approach you might say that love is simply pheromones and chemicals released in the brain that induce a hyperactive infatuation, accompanied by a strong sexual desire that was developed as a survival tool over the course of human evolution to promote reproduction, protection and trust, and thus allow our species to further prosper. But for love to be as simple and primitive as that, really doesn't take into account the sheer complexity of the human mind alone, and leaves no room for a spiritual role in love, though, I cannot disprove it. You could take the realist approach and say that love is simply a figment of the imagination, a facade of delusional bliss, forged by the desperate minds of people looking for a deeper meaning, looking for something that does not exist, and finding their own fake idea of what they perceive as love, but in actuality, is simply non existent. This view on love is not only depressing, but it also gives no insight or elaboration as to why for sure, love does not exist, also the world isn't seen objectively by any human being, we all only see our own perception of the world and its wonders, so if one perceives love to exist in their world, does it not? They experience it, live with it, and feel it, so how can it be non-existent, even if it is? And of course there is the dreamers view of love, that it is an amazing and captivating emotion that allows for one to enter a state of immense bliss, tranquility and intense emotional and physical desire. An emotional contract that signs away your heart blindly and unknowingly to the one you love, commitment, respect, interest, happiness, attraction, desire and acceptance all at once, and more. The best way I would describe love would be, The ultimate connection between two human souls


  1. I like your 7 views of love theory. Wouldn't it be interesting if in an alternate universe, 6 of those types of love were banned? Which one type would you choose above the rest if you were only allowed one?

  2. Romantic Love, that's a horrible universe though, what would you choose?
