Saturday, April 27, 2013

What is Reality?

what exactly is it, reality? Many would say it is simply the world as it is, but then id ask what does that mean? And they'd say something along the lines of, It means the state of everything that is real in world, water, fire, sand, trees, etc..things that are tangible, and perceived the same by almost the entire human species. Now this definition of reality, although a lot more satisfying than saying "because it's real not fake", but it still yields more questions. Well first, id rather use my own terminology to better explain my theory of reality. There are three different states: Actuality (the true 'reality', an objective truth of how things really are on all levels), Reality ( The parts of actuality seen and accessible to human beings),and Perception of reality (P.O.R. is the parts of reality interpreted, known, and on some level, understood by the individual). Let's start with the most basic and relatable, perception of reality. Your perception of reality is how you see, what you see; In other words, what it all means to you, and what aspects of reality you understand, and how you understand them. For example, you and a friend may see the exact same girl/guy, and talk to her for 30 minutes each separately, at the same place. ok, now in your friend's perception of reality, that girl is tall, skinny, beautiful, smart, funny and interesting. But in your perception of reality, the girl is kind of short, an average weight, unattractive, stupid, corny and boring. You and your friend both saw and interacted with the exact same girl, for the same amount of time but perceived the girl completely differently, exact opposites actually. This is due to the fact that we as human beings all see the world or, reality, through a lens comprised of our nature, culture, language, interests, humor, intelligence, etc.. and life experiences. A word like Love or Hate, carries a different meaning, however different it may be, to each individual human being according to how they see the world through this lens that is ones perception of reality. So then what is exactly is this reality that we are perceiving? Well reality is yet another lens on top of our perception of reality, what I mean be that, is that reality is the world we can see and grasp to a degree. Our reality is limited by the barrier of the human capacity to see or understand actuality, The five senses, human anatomy, and emotions are examples of what makes up this lens. You can only experience the actuality of the world through sight, smell, touch, taste and sound. So even something as basic as a rock, no matter how much it is studied cannot be known in actuality because we will still only understand it through the five senses, but how many other elements comprise this simple rock, that would completely change how we view it if we had more senses to observe it with; Or all the different colors we even have scientifically proven to exist (i.e. ultraviolet, infrared), that because of our human anatomy cannot be seen be us, though it is seen by other life forms like the common bee. Reality is the parts of actuality that human beings are capable of perceiving, like the girl in the previous example, in reality she is say, 5'7, 140 pounds, with blonde hair, that is the reality. And finally what is actuality? Actuality is simply the truth, the answer to "what's inside the box" in the schrodinger's cat theory. Actuality although can't ever be seen, or mentally and in many cases physically tangible to us human beings. One example of actuality is, the Lord or Creator, no matter whether he exists or not in your perception of reality, or is accessible to you in reality, he will exist in actuality regardless. Another, non-religious example would be love or the shape of the the earth, no matter how these things are perceived or whether or not we as humans can access them, they do exist, even if it's nothing like we imagined it to be, or even if we imagined it at all. In other words, my theory is that we are in a circle within a circle, with countless other, smaller circles in between them, like so:

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