Saturday, August 24, 2013

The New Language of Organic Machines

What does it mean, to connect, or to fall in love, to truly share a moment, or simply to be in one, is communication alone enough to sustain a relationship, when do we need to actually be face to face, do we ever?, all of these questions boil down to one simple yet complex question most of us are either too afraid to ask, or simply unconcerned, what makes us different from a machine?
Yes, the perceivably easy to answer question of what makes us different from some manmade electronic piece of technology that is seemingly so different from us the question of how we are different from this inanimate thing seems pointless, we are human, we eat, we sleep, we laugh, we play, we love, we hate, we feel emotions, and think our own thoughts, we are not programmed, we have opinions, we are creative, we are everything they aren't, in every way possible. And while that is true, in many ways, in some it is not. For in this new age of technology, flashing lights, cars, music, and phones, machines are becoming a part of human life, and as a result of that, machines are becoming part of human cultures. For example, at the end of my last theory 'Robot Minds of Modern Society' I mentioned at the end, the concept of exchanging numbers, asking someone for there..number

The reason this is relevant is because, we have come to the point where it is the social norm to ask the question 'what is your number',  well, why would you ask that? probably because you want to further communicate on an electronic basis, simple to connect, to get to know each other better, to be able to communicate with this person anywhere at almost any time, through..a machine, communicating through a machine is not simply communication though, it’s not like actual communication, there is no stars to gaze upon, no sight, there is no aggressive arguing or melodic music to comment and joke about, no real sound, there is no scents of fresh roses to sniff, or apple pie somewhere nearby, there is no smell, there is no good food, or bad food, to experience because there isn’t taste, and there is no woman with bright beautiful eyes, and dark wavy hair rolling on the floor laughing at some corny joke you told, as much as you might believe there is, that girl your 'talking' to, isn’t there, there is no touch or tangibility, and on some level, we know this, ask yourself these questions, how can the woman be there, when she isn't, she is not your phone, or a text message on the screen of your phone, this is simply a facade, this is a representation of the said woman, yes these are her words, but, at the same time they aren’t for these reasons: There was too much time to think about what you say, to erase what you said, rephrase what you wanted to say, there is no voice, tone, pitch, volume, facial expressions, eye contact, body positioning, body language, blinking, sudden laughter, giggling, smiling or frowning, and there is no emotion in your words, but there are two things that help us implement our humanity into this robotic arena: Implied meaning and emotions, and " Interpreted meaning and emotions. these are often misinterpreted.
the person you think you are talking to over facebook or text, is actually the mental imagine of that person, how you perceive them, how you remember that persons voice, the words aren’t yours, but everything that goes with them is, you are almost talking to yourself. This is because you are trying to emulate reality in a cyber world, with a machine filtering out anything it cannot reproduce, the five senses, true emotion, voice, etc., so as a result of talking through a machine, you inherently, talk like a machine, and in order to talk like a machine, you therefore, have to think like a machine, filtering out everything you know you can’t translate correctly into the other language, just as you would do with any, you wouldn’t say "Hey whats good son" to your friend in Spanish because in the Spanish speaking world that sentence doesn’t really makes sense, its interpreted meaning would be extremely far from its intended meaning, so to close the gap between the intended and interpreted meaning, we as modern humans, have put together a language that makes sense in the mechanical world, you wouldn't say " Look at that guy, he gotta be crazy" to someone over a text message to someone on the other side of the world, it makes no sense.
After learning and constantly speaking this new language, and with this language being used more often, in more places, for longer times, it begins to have effects on you, you begin to speak this language in the organic, physical world. You check your facebook on the bus, you text your friend during a real conversation, you tweet what you just did, take a picture with someone you like, the worlds begin to merge, it is no longer the cyber internet machine world, and the organic natural physical world, there is the organic machine world, and we, the inhabitants of this new world, learned its new language, and are now, organic machines. You start to think in tweets, it changes your mind, it comes to the point where you won't even bother to chase an creative thought or comment unless its within 140 characters, you don’t feel like you really saw a swan unless you make a post about it on instagram, you aren’t really dating unless you update your relationship status on facebook.You are at that point, an Organic Machine.

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