Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mental Manipulation

What makes a human great?, what makes us special, different, above all the other creatures on this planet so to speak, why are we at the top, the apex predator, the rulers of the world, why?, we have no claws, fangs, or venom, we run slow, its hard for us to climb, and our skin and bodies are frail, even the shape of our bodies makes it a miracle that we can even stand on our two feet, so then how is it that we are the world's dominant species. Well it is our minds, our brain, our thinking ability, the ability to use logical, language, mathematics, to read, to write, to build, to predict, to remember, to regret, to love, in short, our intelligence.
Yes, our amazing ability to uncover the world's most breathtaking secrets, our ability to communicate a thought, even 1000 years after our death. Our free minds can do so many truly amazing things, invent machines, cure diseases, build cities, but..what if someone decided to use this gift of super intelligence to attempt to overpower or derail the thoughts of the other beautiful minds that coexist in the human interspace? This is when you can clearly see just how much power the human mind has, even over other human minds.
We all actually do this, just usually not to the degree where it would be completely obvious, for example a simple magic trick is basically mind control, you shuffle the deck, atleast to the observer, but in reality you are using a false shuffle where all the cards are in the exact same place. You ask the observer to select a card by telling you to when to stop as you slide cards off the deck, creating the illusion that this person actually has the freedom to choose his or her card when really its just a clever card force, you already know what card it is, you preset the deck, the cards are in the same order because you never actually shuffled the cards, and now you are forcing the observer to "randomly" select the card at the top of the deck, then you actually shuffle the deck, and ask him the put the card inside of the deck anywhere he or she wants, you spread the cards out face up, and point to the observers, magic!
 The whole trick was simply a clever facade, you forced someone to think what you wanted them to think, and you wanted him or her to think about anything other than whats really going on, making them think  their card is random, that you are shuffling, that you really did pull that coin out of your mouth, deception, predictions, logical, math, human observation, psycology, distraciton, these are the tools we are able to use in order to actually (to some level) control someone elses mind, or predict what they are thinking or are going to think. Ofcourse there is never solid way to do this because human beings are such complex beings, but you can learn how to do so well it almost always works. The human mind is a series of rooms and doors, each door you open you enter into that room, that room is your present thought, but upon entering that room, you also close a door to another room, this is because we can't think about everything that is going on at once, its too much stimuli, when you coming out of a movie downtown you hear atleast 50 different conversations, but you only register the one you are in and maybe another very near you, but even then you aren't really paying attention, to control someones thoughts, all you have to do is make them open up a certain door, therefore by default closing another. " Where were you sweet heart?", "oh I was just out seeing a friend and we lost track of time" , "oh right I forgot Denise was in town, well I'm glad you had fun". A women waits till her friend is around, and 'goes out to see her friend', one would assume after the years you'd want to catch up, and you would probably stay out late, just the kind of late you would normally be accused of something harmful to your 20 year marriage. using things like, common assumptions, trust, love, higher intelligence, or beauty, you can manipulate the average human mind with ease if used right.
So, how is it done?, How does one put all this together and actually change how people think? Well there are many methods, but its really up to you, there is no real "how to" but rather " how it works". All it is is understanding how most people think, then you can play around with it, but to do this well, you need a clear goal in mind. Pay attention to clothes, hairstyle,speech, accent, body language, and the face. The face is probably the most important thing, especially the eyes, you use the eyes to tell you what the basic things you need to know to move forward 'what type of person is this' ' what does this person think of me' 'is this person comfortable with me?' ' does this person trust me?'  and ' how should I manipulate this persons mind'. First indentify how you are perceived by this person, are they afraid? attracted? repulsed? happy? this will allow you to get a relitivly good idea of how they think, and how you can manipulate their mind. Lets say this person seems attracted but is also afraid that you arent attracted to him or her, lets just call this person 'J' now lets say your objective is to get money from J, you just want 50 dollars because your broke and you like money. So you made eye contact, J is pretty attractive, but not beautiful, but J has on very nice clothes, and is well groomed, so far so good. You approach J, why? because your new in town and you thought J would know where all the best coffee shops are, yes coffee shop, because J doesn't look like the drinking type, conservative hairstyle, arms always close to the body, somewhat timid, and dresses to fit in with modern hipsters that went to private school, you want J to feel like your in the same world to a degree because J is beyond the rebellious age, but still seems to crave excitement and feel free. J smiles, makes eye contact, you decided to smile to make J more comfortable, and start a conversation, you make J laugh a few times, and bring up some relevant topics, J likes you now, J thinks your interesting, funny, and nice, J thinks you have study law, but you also want to travel the world, why? because J mentioned foreign countries 5 times in a 30 minute conversation, J also spoke very highly of lawyers, now J is comfortable with you, you also know what type of person J is, and what J thinks of you, more or less. The look on J's seems to say J wants to spend more time with you but probably has to leave soon, you don't know if J trusts you that much, but you know how to manipulate Js mind. 4/5
So you move in for the objective after 5 more minutes of leading up to " Wow, you are an amazing person and I really wish I could get your number but...(you look at your phone)" J says something like " whats wrong, you can have my number I really like talking to you"
you smile " This is really embarrassing but I just got a new job and I don't get paid for 10 days, so I cant pay my phone bill or my internet right now..I mean its not like I'm broke, I just don't have money right now, so I don't know how we could stay in contact.." J has about a 75% chance of saying " I mean..I can pay for it and you can just pay me back or something how much is it?" and you say " thank you so much, yeah I'll pay you back as soon as I get my check, whats your number let me get it down" you get J's number, J give you 50 dollars, you walk away with a big smile waving to J saying " I'll call you as soon as I can" and J smiles a waves back and maybe says " ok haha I'll be waiting". so it was 5/5 J trusted you. and you took advantage of all the knowledge you gained from observing J, to use it to make J feel sad cheated and lied to, while use the stolen money to take someone else out. The reason I told you how to trick people, is not because I want to teach people how to be evil, but rather, I want the good people who are often victims of mental manipulation to be more conscious of it, and hopefully less susceptible to this kind of trickery. even fun little magic tricks are based off of lies and mental manipulation. This is only examples of extremely small scale manipulation, so be aware.

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