Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Power of Perception

The thing that gives light to world, and that light, but with that thing that gives light, we lose the ability to see the world objectively, which means we lose the ability to see the Reality of the world, and yet without the light, we can't see the world at all, we can't love, we can't think, and have no self identity without this thing that gives light, well..what is this thing? its what we call our perception. With this amazing ability to perceive, we can see a world of our own within the worlds we travel and reside, its the one stable world that goes with us where ever we go, because its not really a world at all, its just the way we see whatever world we're in, but it make whatever world we are in different from everyone else there, for instance; You are looking into your lover's eyes, while she/he is, in that exact moment, looking into yours, now not only is there entire earth moon and sun 'existent' in your world, or New York City,or your mother, or anything other than a small segment of sand on a beach, and the sound of waves crashing ocean, and ofcourse your lovers face, but actually, neither does you, well other than your hands maybe, because you are trapped by your five senses, you know that there is more to the world than what you see, but you actually can't ever really verify that, not only do you see the world in a subjective way, but you also don't even see, hear, smell, taste, or feel, almost any of it, you are contained to an incredibly small spec of the actuality it. This may sound very restricting, but within the limitations of your perception, you, in some ways, see way more of the world than you could have ever imagined.
Within your perception at any given time, you have thoughts, within those thoughts are opinions, and within those opinions are complex emotions, that may or may not have derived from your current state of being, and are composed of smaller more subtle thoughts, that combine with basic emotions, within those subtle thoughts, and basic emotions, are fragmented thoughts, and the essence of your being, within the fragmented thoughts, and the essence of your being, is your subconscious mind, and your third eye (the pineal gland), and within your subconscious mind and third eye is your passive hyper perception of still memories and super fragmented thoughts, spiritual baseline (your true nature), and the perception of your third eye (what your third eye perceives). This actually goes alot deeper, the human perception is one of the amazing things in existence that we know of. And can be used to do the unthinkable. things like thoughts, ideas, emotions, states of being, these are the tools we as human beings use to exercise our freewill, for without a way of looking at the world, there is no way (In my theory of perception) to make choices. This is because the components of a choice are mostly: Emotions, State of Being, Current and Previous thoughts, predictions, opinions, believes, values, morals, and ethics, which all lie within the perception of the individual, without all of these ingredients for the choice, how can a choice be made? and if you cannot make a choice, then you don't really have any freewill. but what really makes having a perception special other than that?
Well there are actually two things in the general human perception that if you really think about just the fact that we can perceive them will really make you think how we can, and these two things are; Time, and Numbers. Yes Time and numbers are two of the most complicated perceivable things there are, really think about how we can perceive either time or numbers, when they are both completely off the radar of our 5 senses. You can't see, smell, hear, taste, or touch..time and numbers, so then..how can we perceive them?. Further more, how is it that time and numbers can be applied to literally everything else we can perceive, even beyond what the 5 senses can pick up?, I believe this is because  Temporal Perception ( Perception of Time), and Numeric Perception ( Perception of Numbers), are actually both senses, just as sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing are. There is no other way to explain the fact that we can see (most of us), other than we simply do, because it is perceivable, and call it a 'sense', so using that same reasoning, there is also no way to explain how we perceive Time or Numbers, ( even the word, perceive Time, I believe we all know on some level that its part of our perception just as smell or touch is, we just don't have a name for it, so we just say perceive ) so Temporal, and Numeric perception are actually senses, technically. So, so far, we already have 7 senses, or, tools, within are perception, to allow us to perceive more, causing the inner circle of our Perception of reality to forge together an entire world produced from a single human mind.
Understanding perception is key to things like understanding the mechanics of mental manipulation, Love, Dreams, and the other complexities that lye within this sacred realm of thoughts and ideas. For instance, I believe love to be a world of its own, largely because it is strong enough to alter the perception of reality of any given human being affected by it, just as being in another world would change your perception as well, while on the other hand,a dream, i believe is a world of its own, and we simply perceive it, although our perception in that realm is much more 'powerful' in a lucid state. The human perception is one of the most powerful phenomena in the world, with the ability to make your hands heat up and blister in cold water with the honest perception that its hot,  hypnotism, the ability to make a child's headache go away by simply yelling him or her that the tic tac was medicine, change the way you see the world by smoking a plant, or chance the way you life in the world through belief in a higher power, the power of the human perception is unimaginable,  especially in a lucid dream, making things like flying, teleportation, or even shapeshifting possible, perception is the world in which we all truly live, making things like beauty, love and freedom, a part of our existential realm.

1 comment:

  1. For more depth i suggest reading: 'What is Reality', 'Nature vs Nurture', and 'Mental Manipulation'
